Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2122 No one would have thought that someone would die like this

"Slave, slave, thank you, master!" Angege was overjoyed, he couldn't hold back his excitement, and took out the dishes carefully from the food box by himself, and put them on the table.

Roasted pheasant with mushrooms, pan-fried beef, stir-fried mutton with cumin, eggs with wild leeks, plus a bowl of wild onion and mutton soup, a total of four dishes and one soup, four small dishes of cold dishes, and a large bowl of fragrant rice.

An Gege arranged the meals neatly, took out clean small bowls for soup and rice, and presented them respectfully to the fourth master, with a smile on his face: "Master, please eat."

Fourth master ignored it and picked up chopsticks to eat.

Eating alone is really quite boring. In the past, Mu Jin and the children were with him, it was lively and warm, but today he is alone, so eating is more or less tasteless.

As for An Gege standing by, fourth master didn't feel anything.

In his eyes, women can only be divided into whether he cares or not. It was Mu Jin who cared, so he naturally tried every means to be nice to her, and for those who didn't care, he didn't even bother to give her a glance.

Since she wants to stay and serve, let's serve. In his eyes, she is no different from Bitao, buckwheat, etc. He didn't feel uncomfortable either.

Originally, when An Gege saw the fourth master nodding to let him stay, there was a ten-thousandth hope in his heart, hoping that the fourth master would order her to sit down and have a meal together, but unfortunately, the fourth master didn't even look at her .

Angege was secretly disappointed in his heart, but he made up his mind even more. No matter what, he must make a move today.

She has had enough of this feeling of being left out and being ignored!

Seeing that Si Ye was about to finish eating a bowl of rice, An Gege suddenly said softly "Ah", picked up the bowl of soup, lowered his eyebrows and smiled apologetically: "The servant is really careless and confused, this soup is served early. , it's already cold, the slave will serve another bowl to the master."

As she spoke, she took out the bowl of soup and poured it out. Taking advantage of people's unpreparedness, she quickly poured some medicinal powder into the bowl, brought the bowl back, filled another bowl, and gently put it in front of Si Ye, taking the initiative She stepped aside and said, "Master, please have a few sips of soup."

No one would have imagined that someone would dare to die like this and drug fourth master.

Besides, Angege has always been gentle and honest.

Even if Mu Fangfujin wasn't here today, she begged Fourth Master to have a chance to serve the meals, that is, to really serve the meals, and she didn't take this opportunity to seduce her, she was extremely witty.

Such a very witty person, no one will be wary of her.

Neither did fourth master.

Fourth master picked up the soup bowl, stirred it gently with a white porcelain spoon, and slowly drank it.

The mutton on the prairie is very delicious, and the wild onions on the prairie are also extra fresh and fragrant. The mutton soup with wild onions is extraordinarily delicious.

An Gege stood aside with lowered eyebrows and eyes, with a calm expression, but she didn't know that she was already excited in her heart.

Fourth master drank her soup, half of her plan was successful

After serving the fourth master for lunch, An Gege ordered his servants to put away the tableware and food boxes, and bowed to the fourth master to bless him: "What else can the master do, how about making tea for the master again?"

Why did fourth master ask her to make tea? He waved his hand and said, "No need, let's go down!"

"Yes, master!" An Gege blessed him without any entanglement, and obediently withdrew. "

Waiting for someone to die o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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