Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2128 Mu Jin naturally wouldn't wade into this muddy water

As a result, even the more savvy Mongolian ministries noticed something unusual, and pestered the princes, beating on the sidelines.

Even Mu Jin, some female family members smiled and asked a few words.

Naturally, Mu Jin wouldn't wade into such muddy waters, she pushed vaguely and said nothing.

Watching Niu Yulu's flowers and butterflies talking and laughing like Yan Yan circling among the nobles, queens and concubines of various tribes in Mongolia, I don't think it's a bit funny.

Niu Gulushi is still so unwilling to be lonely!

The days of the hunt went on as usual, with the same inspiring and exhilarating excitement as in previous years.

After leaving the court in the first year, Mu Jin has never left the court again.

Now that she has children by her side, even excuses are readily available - it's inconvenient for her to bring a baby!

The fourth master, the thirteenth master, and the fourteenth master walked together in groups.

The night before, after having sex with Mu Jin, they hugged each other and fell asleep. Fourth Master excitedly told her that he would hunt two deer for her to try.

Most of the hunting grounds are deer, which are specially kept in captivity for royal hunting.

However, the herd of deer has always been alert and runs fast, and with the huge hunting ground, it is not so easy to get a good harvest.

You must know that every year countless horse and archers count on Lie to show off their skills and stand out, and then be selected on the king's side.

Si Ye is like this, riding and shooting is average, saying that it is not an easy job to shoot and hunt two deer for Mu Jin.

Of course Mu Jin was happy, and wished him success early this morning, she was waiting for his venison.

Fourth Master's luck was not bad that day, he actually hunted two deer, he finally repaid the promise he blurted out yesterday when he was so affectionate, and he was quite happy in his heart.

Who do you look down on? Isn't that just hunting? He will too.

In order not to cause confusion, fourth master also specially marked the two deer he shot, and specially ordered an accompanying guard to take care of them.

It made Fourteenth Master wonder and ask curiously.

After all, they are all deer, so there is nothing special about those two deer? Why is the fourth brother so important?

How could fourth master be so unobtrusive in showing his affection in public? That would cause trouble for his family, Jin'er.

After all, such a thing as "single favorite" is equivalent to having three big golden characters "Humeizi" printed on a woman's forehead.

Fourth master only said that he shot it himself, it was not easy, he had to keep it. The ones hunted by oneself will also taste sweeter.

These words made Fourteenth Master laugh out loud, and teased Fourth Brother with a smile. He is also a little proud, look, he still surpasses the fourth brother in some areas, such as martial arts riding and archery.

Thirteenth Lord, on the other hand, knew that his fourth brother was not the kind of person who would think that the prey he hunted tasted sweeter. After a little thought, he guessed four or five points, and he smiled and said nothing.

This feeling of truly loving a certain woman, the old fourteen will not understand, only he can deeply empathize with the fourth brother.

In the evening, Fourth Master asked someone to carry the two deer back. Mu Jin was very happy, her eyes were shining with joy and she thanked her with sweetness in her heart.

The two children were also watching Rare, happily marveling at how amazing Ama is!

Mu Jin smiled and ordered someone to deal with one end first, and when she came back from the banquet, she had a barbecue with everyone in the backyard at night.

Only some were kept, and the rest were rewarded to the guards.

The days of Qiushou are very leisurely, there are countless large and small banquets, you can enjoy the scenery, you can also ride a horse, and it is more convenient to gather with like-minded sisters-in-law and friends.

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