Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2130 Have you eaten your rice?

Master Jiu and Master Shi looked at each other, they could only sigh, they tried to persuade Sister-in-law Ba, but they got scolded by Sister-in-law instead. Now he dared not speak anymore.

It can be seen that Sister-in-law Ba is like this, in front of so many people, it is really, really

Mu Jin was immediately annoyed, got off the horse, stepped forward angrily, and taunted lightly, "Bafujin is so majestic! Why do you call Sister Qiukui to go away? Is this the boundary of your family? , Is your surname still Guo Luoluo? If you want to leave, go by yourself, why should you order others? Why should others listen to you? Have you eaten your rice?"

The corner of Si Ye's mouth twitched: ""

Ninth Master, Tenth Master and Eighth Master: ""

Everyone: ""

Qiukui didn't expect Mu Jin to come, and she nodded with joy on her cold face, "You're here."

Mu Jin: "If I don't come again, you will be bullied to death!"

Okra: "" is very angry, but it doesn't seem to be as miserable as she said

"You!" Bafujin trembled angrily, pointing at Mu Jin with a horsewhip in his hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, okay! You are a nest of snakes and rats! You are the same shameless! You brought this bitch here, didn't you?" ? After so many years, you still don’t give up, you insist on posting it shamelessly!”

Fourth Master's eyes were piercing, and he gave Fujin a cold look, "The eighth brother and sister should be more polite to Fujin on my side."

Believe it or not, he returned to Beijing to beat her to death. He didn't have to do anything else, he only needed to hand over a few ambiguous words to the Anjun Palace and Guo Luoluo's Palace, which was enough to make her suffer.

Ba Fujin sneered, after all, he was a little jealous of Fourth Master, and didn't dare to speak so arrogantly, but just glared at Mu Jin fiercely.

For those words she scolded, Mu Jin didn't bother to respond at all, and came to Qiukui, "Sister Qiukui, what's going on?"

Qiukui never likes to explain, but it is inconvenient for others to explain because of the presence of Fujin Bafujin. She frowned, and could only simply say: "I met them by chance, and Bafujin decided that I was seducing Ba Ye and started a fight. Ba Ye was not careful I fell off the horse, and it seems that I hurt my leg and chest, and I have already sent someone to call the imperial doctor."

Then, Bafujin just refused to give up.

Ba Ye's injury did look a bit serious, his face was pale, and he leaned weakly on Jiu Ye who was sitting on the ground. No one dared to move him randomly, so he could only wait for the imperial doctor to come.

Under such circumstances, Ba Fujin still has the spirit to find fault, which is enough.

If it were the fourth master who was injured, Mu Jin would have been terribly distressed, and the big things had to be put aside first.

Mu Jin secretly sighed, Qiu Kui was also worried about Ba Ye when she wanted to come, and she refused to leave before the imperial doctor came and the diagnosis was confirmed. Otherwise, he would have left long ago, why would he stay here and talk to Ba Fujin?

Hearing what Qiukui said, Bafujin's hatred deepened, "A chance encounter? Heh! How can there be so many encounters in this world! If it weren't for you, our father wouldn't be hurt, and you still have the face to stay here? Don't go yet!"

Ba Ye couldn't take it anymore: "Shut up!"

If she hadn't startled the horse and stopped it by herself, she wouldn't have been like this, and she would have gotten worse if she tolerated her by herself.

"Baye is blaming me for this woman? Okay, okay, very good! You, you still have to be shameless!"

Ba Ye: "I see that you are the one who is shameless, have you made enough trouble?"

"You, what are you talking about?" Fujin was so angry that her delicately made-up face was distorted, red and white at times, and smoke from all seven orifices.

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