Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2133 This layer of window paper is finally pierced

There was a lot of gunpowder between the father and son, and the atmosphere suddenly became more tense.

In anger, Lord Kangxi threatened to abolish the crown prince!

All the elder brothers, the courtiers, and the Mongolian tribes were shocked.

While everyone was shocked, there was also a strange sense of relief that "we have finally come to this point".

This layer of window paper was finally pierced.

Everyone had to plead for the crown prince, especially some old officials, "Please think twice, the emperor!", but Kangxi repeated the same accusations about the crown prince's faults over the years.

These are all true, one by one, everyone knows.

As Lord Kangxi counted, he was even more grief-stricken, angry, and heartbroken. The faces of the ministers turned pale when they heard this, and they couldn't say any other words except "The emperor think twice!"

Everyone knows what the prince has done these years.

Speaking behind the scenes, everyone was worried, sighed, and worried about the future of the Qing Dynasty.

However, when things come to an end, and it really comes to this point, that is another matter.

However, Lord Kangxi became more and more angry. At that time, he issued an order to abolish the crown prince, and ordered the Imperial Forest Army to temporarily guard the crown prince, and no one was allowed to visit him, nor was anyone allowed to intercede.

Drive away all the ministers and elder brothers.

When Lord Kangxi was furious, no one dared to say anything more, and since the imperial decree has been issued, it is impossible for the emperor to take it back immediately, right?

The imperial decree is no child's play!

Brothers, you look at me, I look at you, no one is not in a mess, and the chaos is mixed with an indescribable complexity, as well as secret and cautious expectations.

Huang Ama really decreed to depose the prince! From today, immediately, there will be no more princes in the Qing Dynasty!

Everyone felt a little floating under their feet, and felt that the whole person was also a little floating.


It's so unreal!

However, this is a real fact.

The Qing Dynasty has no crown prince today, but there will be one after all.

So, who will it be?

Who will it be!

Not to mention the uncle and third master who have always been ambitious and covetous about this, the fourth master who has never given up on this, even the fifth, seventh, eighth, and fourteenth masters don't feel a little hot in their hearts. It was boiling hot.

Who wouldn't want to be the only one who dominates the position like that?

Everyone is the son of the phoenix and the grandson of the dragon, what if? What if it's my turn?

Who can tell what will happen in the future?

It's like the crown prince is different from his brothers since he was a child. He was Huang Ama's favorite son since he was a child. Who would have thought that he would be deposed one day?

When fourth master returned to his residence, Mu Jin had already received the news.

Mu Jin looked at Fourth Master worriedly, and Fourth Master hugged her into his arms, hugging her tightly.

Mu Jin was slightly taken aback, she hadn't thought about how to comfort him, but now it's good, and she didn't know what to say.

She gently raised her hand, hugged him gently, and stroked his back lightly.

Fourth Master subconsciously hugged her even tighter.

"Jin'er" for a while, Fourth Master Fang gently let go of the arms hugging her, put his hands on her shoulders, and looked down at her: "The prince is really deposed!"

He knew that Mu Jin must have known the news by now, but he still said so.

It sounds a little unnecessary, but at this moment, besides this sentence, he doesn't know what to say.

It seems that this is the most important thing to say at this moment. "

Sisters ask for votes~~

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