Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2144 Bafujin's face turned pale, like falling into an ice cellar

Ba Fujin was so angry that she gritted her teeth and said mockingly: "You are quite fair, it's unlucky to plant all the mistakes on me!"

"You are Fujin. Sister Qiukui is just a commoner girl. She has different identities. There are always some mistakes. If you really want to say it, she has been wronged! You are the one who cursed, and you are the one who did it, Sister Qiukui But did you say you were going to enter Baye's Mansion? No! So, what are you doubting?"

Ruo Qiukui is shameless, seduces Ba Ye, and only wants to enter the mansion to win favor, or becomes Ba Ye's concubine, and lures Ba Ye to her in various ways all day long. It is understandable for Bafujin to hate her and blame her.

It's just a meeting to say a few words, and Bafujin will cause a disturbance and whip someone with a horsewhip. Just thinking about it, Mu Jin is going to explode, and it's hard not to make it through if she doesn't taunt and rob her.

Ba Fujin was very angry, "Shameless! You are also shameless! You can say these words! Finally admit it? What a chance encounter! Bad intentions, why don't people say it?"

"That's enough for the Guo Luoluo family," said Master Kangxi coldly, "Mu's is right, even if Lao Ba wants to take someone into the mansion, so what? You have nothing to go out so far, and the troubles are getting worse! If in the past I don't care about the fact that one of you is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, and the door is closed. But where is this? Guo Luoluo, your upbringing? Upbringing and face Don’t you want it? Old Ba told you to hurt me like this. I see that you don’t even have a look of concern. Instead, you speak mean words in front of me and make trouble again! Since you don’t care about Lao Ba so much, what’s the point of making trouble? mean!"

The more Kangxi recounted, the more angry he became, "How dare you hurt the second elder brother's horse, and almost killed the second elder brother! Guo Luoluo, you are so brave!"

Ba Fujin's face turned pale, like falling into an ice cellar, the emperor didn't give her any face.

"Huang Ama," Bafujin said in a trembling voice, "It's not the daughter-in-law's fault, it's the bitch Okra—"

"Shut up!" Master Kangxi sternly yelled, "Who forced you to beat people with a whip! The matter has come to this, and you still dare to argue!"

Bihong couldn't listen anymore, and secretly complained that no wonder that poor people must have something to hate, isn't this the case with the eight Fujin?

After all, Qiukui was the child she took care of and taught, how could she tolerate Fujin's repeated mean words and humiliation?

Bihong said casually: "Bafujin, it seems that Qiukui really didn't do anything to you, right? You haven't had a good life with Master Ba, and it seems a bit too unskillful to play this trick of anger! Don't look at it. I, I am Qiukui’s aunt. I raised and taught Qiukui. I know her temper very well. She is not as bad as you say. It’s Ba Fujin, the dignified prince Fujin, who was taught by Prince An His granddaughter, such upbringing is really eye-opening."

Everyone was taken aback, and all looked at Qiu Kui in unison.

Ba Fujin's face turned pale, and Ba Ye was also very surprised.

Mu Jin and Fourth Master exchanged glances, and Mu Jin's eyes were clearly full of shock and "Master, don't look at this servant, I don't even know that Sister Qiukui has such a background!"

Lord Kangxi sneered: "She has no parents and children, and King Anjun has passed away long ago. She has nothing to worry about, and she doesn't care about Lao Ba and Ba Ye's house at all. Naturally, she acts without scruples and goes on the rampage. Where does she need to be decent? !"

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