Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2148 It is beneficial and harmless to have this relationship

Master Jiu chuckled suddenly, gloating and said with a gleeful smile: "If Niu Gulu Lingzhu knew the origin of the okra, I'm afraid his intestines would turn green with regret, tsk!"

Shi Ye let out a "bah", "A kind of family, but Qiu Kui has a good eye, and I didn't like it from the beginning."

Because of Eighth Master's relationship, they naturally paid more attention to okra.

They knew more or less about the grievances between Qiukui and Ling Zhu's family, and they were very contemptuous of that family.

I have never raised and taught others for half a day, but I want to reap the benefits. If you can't get it and want to use it, it's just useless!

Ba Ye glanced at the two of them, feeling a little headache: "Okay, please stop saying a few words."

Master Jiu and Master Shi exchanged glances, Master Jiu forced a smile: "Brother, this is also a good thing, at least this way, in the future, you and Miss Qiukui, ahem!" The chances are a little higher, right?

Ba Ye frowned slightly, "You don't want to talk nonsense about this matter outside, you know?"

He couldn't control Fujin, and he had already wronged Qiu Kui a lot. He didn't want any more rumors of trouble for Okra.

What will happen to him and Okra in the future, even he himself does not know.

Master Jiu hesitated to speak, and finally turned into a soft sigh.

The fourth master and Mu Jin returned to the residence, held Mu Jin's hand, and comforted him softly: "Jin'er, don't take those unhearable words to heart, let's not care about her like she does!"

Fourth master was so disgusted that he didn't even want to mention Bafujin's name.

In front of the imperial court, she was so arrogant, one can imagine what kind of arrogance this old family has become in various banquet halls in the past, it really wronged Jin'er.

His woman, whom he loves and dotes on at the tip of his heart, is subject to such innocence. If it weren't for the imperial rules, fourth master wouldn't be able to spare her today.

"Don't feel bad, sir." Mu Jin smiled: "She has always been like this, how can a slave take it to heart? Besides, she is the one who suffers in front of the imperial court today."

The distressed feeling in Si Ye's heart eased a bit, and he said with a sneer: "She did it on her own, Huang Ama used to be too lazy to argue with a junior like her, she treats her as capital, unscrupulous, and she can blame no one."

Huang Ama could not care about it in the past, but Aunt Bihong was obviously Huang Ama's beloved. She spoke rudely to Aunt Bihong, how could Huang Ama tolerate her?

Mu Jin smiled, and sighed with emotion: "I really didn't expect that Sister Qiukui hid so deeply, I really didn't expect that she has a relationship with Aunt Bihong, alas!"

The fourth master was quite happy, kissed Mu Jin, and said with a smile: "Jin'er is indeed the lucky star of the master!"

It is good to have this kind of relationship, which is beneficial but not harmful.

Mu Jin's heart was sweetened, she looked at him and smiled, and gently snuggled into his arms. Fourth Master lowered his head and kissed her lightly, hugged her, silently thinking about the next step.

No rush, no rush.

The more it is like this, the more it can't be wrong in the slightest.

When you are not thinking carefully, you would rather not move than act rashly.

Besides, Lord Kangxi only called fourth master and a few others to go over. Uncle, third master, etc. were all worried and anxious, and wanted to go there very much.

It's just that Wuzhi didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only stare eagerly at the news.

Uncle found Ba Ye, Ba Ye had been raised by his mother-in-law for several years, and he had a somewhat different brotherhood from others, what he asked, Ba Ye would dare not say nothing.

If it's other things, as long as the uncle speaks, the eighth master will definitely say it. "

The last day of this month, ask for tickets, sisters

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