Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2157 Mu Jin feels a little depressed

"Master, it's too pitiful for this slave, this slave wants to see Da Fujin Da Fujin." Mu Jin looked at Fourth Master, held his arm and looked up at him.

Mu Jin felt a little depressed and uncomfortable.

No matter what a man does or makes any mistakes, the woman has to bear it along with him.

It was also thanks to her good luck that she hugged the golden thigh of fourth master, the quasi-winner in life. Even though she might panic and lose her mind at times, on the whole, her life was stable.

After all, Da Fujin has helped her a lot, it would be too cool to watch the fire from the other side at this time.

Fourth Master held her hand, looked at her with a smile and said, "Well, go, Master will go with you. No matter what elder brother did to make Huang Ama angry, sister-in-law and nephews and nieces are always innocent Even Huang Ama didn't blame them, who dares to despise them? Let's go!"

Mu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, leaned over and quickly kissed the fourth master on the chin, and said with a smile, "Master said so!"

But having said that, at this time, who is not more than one less thing, who is willing to get into trouble?

Zi Mo didn't expect Fourth Master to go too, he was stunned for a while, and then knelt down and kowtowed while crying, Xiaotao and Qiaomai stopped him, and they hurried to Dafujin.

In Zi Mo's heart, she was really touched and complicated. She was the big girl next to Da Fujin, and she knew better than others. She knew that the uncle and the fourth master were at odds, and she knew it. She never expected that the fourth master would actually Willing to reach out to help.

Ba Ye used to be raised in Concubine Hui's palace, but today the uncle had an accident, but Ba Fujin didn't even take a look at Da Fujin.

Although there was nothing wrong with her not going, it was chilling to think about it.

When Mu Jin and Fourth Master came to Da Fujin, the unconscious Da Fujin had already woken up, but his appearance was a bit scary.

Covered with a thin quilt up to her chest, she was lying on the kang, her hair seemed to be covered with a layer of dust, which was dull and dull. With a haggard look and a sallow complexion, the whole person seemed to have been drained of energy, and the good look that had been restored before was gone.

"Da Fujin!" Seeing this, Mu Jin felt very uncomfortable, hurried forward, and said with concern: "You have to take care!"

"Sister-in-law!" Fourth Master also stepped forward to greet her.

Da Fujin was taken aback, struggling to sit up, Mu Jin gently pressed her down, and said softly: "Sister-in-law, don't move, our master has sent someone to invite the imperial physician, and the imperial physician will come soon."

Da Fujin's eyes turned red, and he forced a smile and said, "Why did you startle me? It's really me, I'm fine, just take a rest."

The fourth master sighed: "Sister-in-law is a sensible person. Everyone in the house looks at her. This time, she will have to be controlled by her on the way back to Beijing. Please rest assured and take a good rest."

Da Fujin gently wiped away his tears, hesitated to speak, and finally smiled reluctantly: "Don't worry, I can still hold on. When I return to Beijing, I will make up my mind about the big and small matters in the house." The fourth master and the younger brothers and sisters are interested, thank you for coming to see me."

Mu Jin smiled and said, "It should, Da Fujin, don't say that."

Da Fujin patted Mu Jin's hand lightly, and smiled softly: "You are a good person, no wonder you are blessed."

When Mu Jin and Fourth Master came, they greatly stabilized people's hearts. Although everyone in the yard still couldn't feel completely at ease, they still felt relieved.

The fourth master is a holy family, even he came to visit Da Fujin in person, it is conceivable that the situation is not that bad

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