Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2180 Master doesn't want Jin'er to suffer this grievance

The concubine de concubine was impatient and refused to give up. She stubbornly asked the fourteenth master to fight, and insisted that he was the best and most suitable.

The Fourteenth Master was very irritable when she heard her talking about it, and when she sent him into the palace again, he simply pointed out that he was busy with work, so he couldn't shirk it with excuses.

The concubine de concubine was very angry, and she turned to the fourth master again, and passed the fourth master into the palace, trying to order him to help the fourteenth master.

The Concubine De concubine had already planned in her heart and prepared a draft, and only waited for the fourth master to come, and then she would explain how to persuade him in a clear and orderly manner.

No, the fourth master, like the fourteenth master, said that he has been busy recently and has no time to enter the palace to pay his respects to Er Niang. After staying for a few days, he must lead Fujin and side Fujin to greet Er Niang.

In short, he will never talk to Er Niang alone again.

Firstly, he really didn't have time, and secondly, listening to those words would only make him feel sick!

That being the case, why should he go again?

Mu Jin felt sorry for her master, but also worried that something would happen to the concubine de concubine in her anger, so she said to the fourth master, "Master, why don't you accompany Fujin into the palace to greet my mother?"

"Stupid," Fourth Master glanced at her, held her hand and smiled, "Don't worry, Master doesn't want Jin'er to suffer this kind of grievance."

Er Niang asked him to go to him to find a reason to shirk, Er Niang might have a lot of resentment in her heart.

Now that Fujin and Jin'er enter the palace to pay their respects, Er Niang will definitely vent her anger on them.

After all, Fujin is famous and weak, Er Niangding doesn't dare to take her too seriously. Jin'er was different, she was his beloved side Fujin, who would she blame if Er Niang didn't blame her?

Since he didn't want to take that anger, he naturally wouldn't let his beloved woman go!

Mu Jin's heart warmed up, but she was not at ease: "But nothing will happen to Er Niang, right? At this time, one more thing is worse than one less thing. The servant is just taught by Er Niang, that's okay. It's nothing. The servant just doesn't care, Er Niang doesn't dare to go too far."

Do you still dare to beat her? As long as it doesn't hurt you. As for being sad? I'm sorry, but fourth master is the only one who can make her sad.

Even if Empress De Concubine scolded her like hell in front of her, she would only take it in her left ear and out of her right ear, so she wouldn't take it seriously.

As long as she doesn't get bored, she can scold as long as she wants.

"My heart will be distressed," Fourth Master gently stroked Mu Jin's face and kissed her, "Master can't ask Jin'er to suffer this kind of grievance."

As she spoke, she sneered slightly, and mocked: "Jin'er doesn't need to worry, Er Niang understands in her heart. If something happens to her at this time, it will not be the only one who will be affected. She won't do that."

She doesn't care about fourth master, but about fourteenth master.

Fourth master has always been very clear that his mother-in-law is a smart person.

Hearing what he said, Mu Jin thought for a while, and it seemed to be true, so she nodded and said with a smile: "After all, the master is wise, so the servant can rest assured!"

The third master was also anxious because of the saying that "the gold award festival will be fixed". Especially now that the wind direction in the court didn't take advantage of him, the third master was even more anxious.

The third master was still a little disappointed and lost.

He thought that he and Fourth Master had a better reputation among scholars, had a refined and virtuous image, and was an elder brother, so it should be obvious that more people supported him.

However, the fact is not the case! "

Sisters, ask for a ticket.

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