Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2182 Concubine De's natal family

And this matter doesn't require her to show up, so she can give it a try.

The third master then said: "Tell me about the situation of the concubine's natal family."

Naturally, he would not pay attention to the condition of Defei's natal family on weekdays.

Hearing his question, Niu Gulu knew that what he had said had moved his heart, so he lifted his spirits, and answered "Yes" and hurriedly said one by one.

Concubine De's concubine Wu Ya's natal family now has only one elder brother, named Wu Ya Hongde, who is an honest and dull person, and leads an errand under the banner of ten taels of silver a month.

Wu Yahongde's wife, Zhang Jiashi, is a rather pungent woman. Zhang Jiashi has a younger sister, who is also married to a petty official, and lives an ordinary life. Therefore, Zhang Jia's mother-in-law, Mrs. Zhang, is now living with their family.

They have two sons and a daughter. Wu Ya'anfu, Wu Ya'an, and the two brothers were all ignorant people, and they each occupied a spot as a blue-collar bodyguard in the bodyguard battalion. They were half-dead on errands and received a monthly salary of four taels of silver.

Daughter Wuya Hongqian is only twelve years old now.

Ordinarily, because of the concubine's relationship with the concubine, and a capable nephew like the fourth master, their family should be prosperous no matter what, it shouldn't be like it is now.

In fact, after Empress De concubine gained power, she also thought about promoting her natal brother and two nephews, but they had no ability to stand up.

Concubine De is a harem concubine after all. Even though she has a high status, it is okay to give some rewards to her natal family during the festivals, but it is not easy to find a good job for her brother.

She spent a lot of effort back then, and finally found a good job for her brother in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the end, Wu Yahongde was too honest, he was tricked so badly that he was pushed out to top the tank when something happened, but he couldn't tell the difference.

There was a time when something big happened!

Fortunately, fourth master took the initiative to solve it and suppressed it secretly.

But since then, Wu Yahongde has been taken out of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

His honest nature, coupled with his status as the concubine's natal brother, is not suitable for the Ministry of Internal Affairs at all.

The concubine de concubine was very disappointed and felt ashamed, even the concubines and nobles in the palace laughed and laughed at her behind their backs, which made her very angry.

So I stopped thinking about promoting my mother's family.

But a few years ago, thinking that the two nephews were growing up, he ordered the fourth master to cultivate them.

This is not a big deal, fourth master naturally agreed.

As a result, these two were too flexible in their minds!

Relying on the relationship between the Concubine of Virtue and the fourth master, he did everything behind his back and was domineering. When it was heard by the fourth master, the fourth master was furious and immediately punished the two of them and threw them aside.

Don't say anything about promotion, but also warn them, if they dare to make trouble again, be careful of their lives!

Wu Ya'anfu, Wu Ya'an, and Fourth Master were terribly afraid, and they didn't dare to express their dissatisfaction even if they were disheartened.

As for those who are convinced or not, I don't know.

Fourth Master reported this matter to Concubine De, and explained the ins and outs clearly. Concubine De felt both humiliated and unhappy.

I always feel that fourth master is too harsh on his natal family, can't he give them another chance to correct themselves? Can't you teach and cultivate more with your heart? If you say throw it on the side, then throw it on the side?

That's right, he was raised by Empress Xiao Yiren, so he is naturally closer to the Tong family of Empress Xiao Yiren's natal family, so how can he put the little Wu Ya's family in his eyes?

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