Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2193 The fourth master also stopped thinking about it

When Su Peisheng said "break the legs", Wu Ya'an subconsciously shivered, and before Zhang Jiashi could say anything else, he yelled at her angrily.

Zhang Jiashi had nothing to say and snorted.

Anyway, it's better not to pay the one hundred thousand silver by yourself.

Su Peisheng glanced at them, and said: "Also, at the Mu family, uncle and wife don't bother. If there is something bad to spread, it's not good for the fourth master to get angry."

Zhang Jiashi and Wu Ya'an are indeed a mother and son in the same line, they both have the same idea in their stomachs, and they both want to go back and find the Mu family to "cooperate" in business.

With so much silver, even if my family earns half of it a year, it would be millions of taels.

What is this concept? A mountain of silver glittering with silver light!

Zhang Jiashi has even planned in his heart how to spend such a large sum of money

But Su Peisheng told them not to disturb the Mu family, what does this mean?

Zhang Jia was jealous and dissatisfied: "I'm talking about Eunuch Su, then the Mu family is just the natal family of the Fujin, and our family is the uncle's family of the fourth master! Isn't this relationship clear at a glance? Fourth master can't turn his elbows away! We are a family, if the fourth master really needs help with anything in the future, we will definitely look to the fourth master, and it will be difficult for others to say!"

"Besides, who cares about the Mu family? Cooperating with them is worthy of them!"

Su Peisheng: ""

Su Peisheng sighed inwardly, thinking that it's no wonder the master didn't associate with the Wu Ya family at all on weekdays, and didn't even bother to take a look.

Su Peisheng glanced at Zhang Jiashi, and said coolly: "My uncle is right, our uncle is a prince's uncle after all, and he should marry a wife of the right family to be worthy of him. My uncle——"

"What did you say!" Zhang Jiashi was startled and angry, and screamed, "How dare you!"

Wu Ya's family was originally a shabby family, and the concubine De concubine did not enter the palace as a beautiful girl, but a court lady.

Although it is much better than Concubine Liang's background, in the final analysis, she was from the current people.

It is conceivable what background the daughter-in-law Wu Yahongde married.

At that time, the whole family also ate their last meal and never finished their meal. It was not until the Concubine De concubine became a concubine that the life of Wu Ya's family gradually became better.

Later, the fourth master opened his teeth and built a mansion, and got Eniang's entrustment to take care of his uncle's family even more.

Originally, he also wanted to be promoted, but the mud couldn't support the wall. In other words, the environment in which Wu Ya's family grew up determined that their current state is normal. It is simply impossible for them to enter the court and become officials. .

Fourth Master also stopped thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jiashi and her two sons' appetites have been raised, and they are not greedy enough.

Fortunately, fourth master is not a vegetarian, so he taught him a hard lesson twice, and then he stopped.

Who knows that now my heart is not balanced again.

Fourth master didn't want to deal with them every day, so when Su Peisheng spoke to them, he was naturally not polite.

Facing Zhang Jia's angry screams, Su Peisheng smiled lightly, and said lightly: "Uncle, madam, you should be your uncle and madam well, wouldn't you worry about food and clothing? It's really going to that point, It's hard to say. Fourth Master never likes to be wordy, and he has to be straightforward in everything he does. If Uncle Madam doesn't believe it, you might as well give it a try. But after trying it, even if you regret it, there is no way out!"

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