Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2202 Which one is this coming out now

Look at Empress Defei again, what a sight!

In the future, regardless of whether it is sealed now or later, a queen mother cannot escape.

Xiang Changzai naturally also got the news, suddenly like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, after a while he came to his senses and muttered: "It's different, it's really different! It's basically correct, but it's still changed. How could it be like this?"

According to the history she was familiar with, the prince was reinstated after being abolished, and then abolished again. The fourth master was never crowned as the prince, but succeeded to the throne after the death of Emperor Kangxi according to the will of Emperor Kangxi.

But which one is it now?

And what about Aunt Bihong who was placed in the Changchun Garden by the emperor, so what happened?

Judging from various rumors in the palace, the emperor obviously loved Aunt Bihong very much, but why did he place her in Changchun Garden instead of bringing her back to the palace?

Even her own name—it wasn't that she thought too much about it, but she had a vague feeling that the reason why the emperor left her own nameplate was because her name sounded the same as that Aunt Bihong.

Not only did she think so, many noble concubines laughed at her, saying that she had the same name as others, but she had the same name but a different life. The emperor cared about that one, but he didn't even look at her anymore !

It is said that people are the real masters. With the real masters, who would look at counterfeit goods?

She was so angry that she dared not speak out.

Think about it carefully, isn't it true that the emperor has never summoned her since the southern tour, let alone serving the bed, it is difficult for her to see the emperor now!

Xiang Chang was gritting her teeth secretly, even though she didn't want to admit it, she had to accept that those words did make sense!

So, what should she do in the future?

She felt that God was so unfair.

She originally thought that she would be able to make a living in the Qing Dynasty, marry a certain prince, capture his heart, and make him treat her forever.

But in the end she woke up from the dream and accepted it. This is unrealistic. This kind of thinking is taken for granted in modern times, but here, it is a big joke! It's unrealistic wishful thinking.

She was even ready to serve Lord Kangxi with peace of mind, to be a favorite concubine, and it would be even better if she could have a son and a half by her side. No, don't be too low in the future, at least you have to be a concubine to be safe in the future, right?

But in the end, even this became a luxury!

Others are promoted one after another, the more they go up. What about her? From a nobleman to a regular, but more and more mixed back!

Really, how can people swallow this breath?

What she regrets the most is that she gambled in front of Mu Jin and confessed her background to her, but she lost in the end!

That woman pretended to be crazy and foolish, and didn't even admit that she was a time-traveler just like herself! That bitch, if she cooperated with him, it would be a win-win situation, but she rejected him.

Don't look at her being favored now, the backyard of the fourth master's mansion is not a bunch of people, it's hard to say what the future will be!

Now that bitch is afraid that she will soon move into Yuqing Palace with Fourth Master. At that time, will she kill herself in order to keep the secret of her crossing?

The more Xiang Chang thought about it, the more he was startled and uncertain, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Mu Jin was very likely to do this, and he was terrified.

But she didn't have so much time to think about it right now, so she collected herself, dressed up carefully, and took the maids to Yonghe Palace.

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