Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2205 He has been completely removed from the game

Prince Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and sighed, he felt that the concubine and everyone else were doing this for his own good, and he still lived up to everyone's wishes.

Just be idle.

In fact, no one knew that Prince Li felt sad and sad, and there was a corner of his heart that became empty, except that he was not sad or sad.

What is there to be sad about? This is what he has worked hard to plan and finally obtained.

It's too late for him to be happy!

From now on, he will no longer have to live in fear, how wonderful.

Although the reality is different from the dream, for example, the fourth child in the dream did not become a prince, but directly ascended the throne as emperor, but it is generally correct.

In any case, he was completely removed from the game.

The Fourth Master's Mansion has been lively for several days, and finally returned to normal.

This day, a family banquet was held in the main courtyard of Fujin, and everyone was lively together.

Maybe this is the last family banquet in the fourth master's mansion, everyone is somewhat excited and moved.

After the family banquet, Fourth Master and Mu Jin went back to Yuping Courtyard together.

After resting, Fourth Master hugged Mu Jin and said, "Jin'er, for some reason, Master always feels a little awkward in his heart, and he doesn't really want to live in Yuqing Palace."

Mu Jin was startled, "Master, don't you want to live in Yuqing Palace?"

"Well," Fourth Master was still a little hesitant at first, but now he didn't even hesitate when he spoke, "I've been thinking about this for the past few days, after all, Second Brother has lived in that place for nearly twenty years Now the second elder brother lives in Prince Li's mansion, but the master lives in. After all, living in the palace is better than living outside? You said that if the master told Huang Ama not to go to the palace, the emperor Will Ama be unhappy?"

Mu Jin thought for a while, then smiled softly: "Your Majesty is the prince now, the emperor will not be unhappy about some small things. Besides, you don't want to live in Yuqing Palace because you respect Prince Li, your majesty Not to mention any other thoughts. The servant hadn’t thought about this before, but now hearing what the master said, the servant also felt that it would be better if we didn’t move.”

It's so boring in the palace, besides, Lord Kangxi is the real master, and their family seems to be borrowing, and everything is inconvenient.

I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at me in the open and in the dark, and I don't have any freedom at all.

If you want to go back to your mother's house, or go to another house as a guest for a banquet, you basically don't have to think about it.

For example, the previous crown princess, except for the palace banquet, she was basically insulated from all kinds of banquets held in other mansions.

The most important thing is, once you live in the palace, you will have to go to the Yonghe Palace every day to pay your respects to Concubine De! Mu Jin felt that if things went on like this, she would definitely have a short life

The fourth master nodded, "Yes, even if you live here, you are still the prince. It doesn't matter where you live!"

He looked down at Mu Jin, kissed her on the face, and said with a light smile, "Since Jin'er thinks the same way, and the master also thinks this matter is reliable, I will talk to Huang Ama tomorrow."

Mu Jin smiled sweetly, "Master, speak slowly and see what Huang Ama's attitude is."

Fourth master nodded, "Yes".

After the next day, the fourth master went to the palace to ask for an audience, and he really told the matter to Lord Kangxi.

Master Kangxi was startled when he heard it, and looked at the fourth master for a while, and the fourth master became a little uneasy, Fang slowly said: "Forget it, in fact, even if you don't tell me about this matter, I will still find you .”

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