Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2211 suddenly became concerned

Fortunately, Prince Li had a special status, even if someone wanted to step on him, he would never dare to mess around when the situation was unclear. If the emperor was angered, it would be too much to go around.

What's more, there are people in the Fourth Master's Mansion who are very affectionate and close to Princess Li. Whether it is true or not, at least this is the attitude of the Fourth Master's Mansion on the face of it, and no one dares to provoke it.

In this banquet, the guests and the host had a good time, lively and peaceful.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, it finally came to a successful conclusion.

When seeing off the guests, Sifujin finally found an opportunity to talk to Thirteen Fujin alone, and asked with a smile why Fuyu didn't come today?

Thirteen Fujin had prepared for her to ask, and smiled softly when she heard the words, "Wulanara was a little uncomfortable yesterday, so I ordered her to rest and recuperate, and didn't call her here. I should have told my sister-in-law a long time ago." That's good, it was my negligence that forgot, please forgive me, fourth sister-in-law."

Si Fujin suddenly felt embarrassed. Fuyu is the side Fujin in Shisan Ye's mansion, it's not up to her to intervene if she comes or not, and Thirteen Fujin has no obligation to report to her.

A woman is married and obeys her husband. Now that Fuyu is married, only her head and mother can take care of her.

Thirteen Fujin was willing to tell her that it was a favor, and it was right not to.

On the contrary, she clearly knew that the thirteenth Fujin was her serious younger sibling, but she was a bit inappropriate when she asked this question.

Si Fujin quickly smiled and said, "I just didn't see her, so I just asked a casual question."

Now, Sifujin couldn't even ask Fuyu what was wrong.

Thirteen Fujin didn't mean to tell her in detail, and smiled indifferently: "Sister-in-law Si cares about Ulanara, and she should."

Si Fujin told her to bear it neither softly nor hard, and her smile became even more forced.

Thirteen Fujin left with a smile and got into the carriage.

Since she had already chosen to stand on Mu Jin's side, she naturally wouldn't sway left and right.

Besides, as long as Fuyu is around, she and Sifujin will never be able to get really close.

Unless, she keeps stepping back and giving in to Fuyu, giving her the master, giving her the housekeeping power, and giving her all the good things

How is that possible?

Fortunately, Si Fujin has no legitimate sons, so in the future, even in the long run, he may not suffer a disadvantage.

Shi Fujin was also chatting and laughing with Mu Jin, and he didn't know what he was talking about. The expressions and behavior of the two looked very close, as if they were sisters.

Sifujin saw it at a glance, and felt very uncomfortable.

Things that I didn't care about before, with the change of identity, I suddenly became concerned.

Not only ten Fujin, but also Dafujin, Seventh Fujin, Thirteen Fujin, and Fourteen Fujin. Even the prince and concubine seem to treat her no differently from himself. What a heart!

Sending off the guests one after another, Prince Li also heaved a sigh of relief: Today has passed smoothly!

From today onwards, Prince Li's Mansion has formally gained a foothold in the elite circle of the capital, and it is only a matter of time before it gradually and truly integrates.

Princess Li was a little dazed. She never thought that she would have a day when she would be greeted and socialized like the head of a noble family.

She has been married to Prince Li for so many years, and all she has done is for the future mother of the country.

The mother of the country only needs to rule the six palaces, and on special days such as new year's festivals, she summons her wives and praises her one or two.

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