Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2219 This is a tacit understanding between the two

Fourth Master shook her hand and said with a smile, "Are you waiting for Master?"

Mu Jin was startled, but didn't hide from him, nodded, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Fourth master bowed his head and kissed her.

No matter how indifferent he was to being angry with Empress De, he couldn't let go of it completely, and this unhappiness would only be vented in front of her. So every time he got upset with Empress Defei, he would come to her.

This has long been a tacit understanding between the two.

The fourth master had just come back, and he was still wearing court clothes, so Mu Jin took his arm and went into the inner room together, and changed for him with the robes he usually wears.

The fourth master looked down at her with a smile. The woman's pretty face, gentle eyebrows, and delicate and gentle movements all made him feel at ease. The gloom from the Yonghe Palace immediately dissipated, leaving only tenderness in his heart.

After changing his clothes, the fourth master suddenly raised his hand to support Mu Jin's shoulders, his thin lips curled up slightly, and he approached her in a low voice: "Master Meng Lang died last night, is there any discomfort on my baby?"

Mu Jin's face turned red immediately, and she turned around coquettishly: "Master, no, don't mention it!"

If she knew that he was like that last night, she would not have dressed like that anyway, so she went to find him. This morning when she was taking a bath, she secretly changed a lot of hot spring water in the space and soaked it for nearly two quarters of an hour before she felt more comfortable.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that people will feel uncomfortable on the way out and into the palace.

Seeing her shy and coquettish, fourth master couldn't help laughing, hugged her and coaxed, "Okay, don't mention it, don't mention it! Master, pay attention next time."

Talking and laughing again: "It's no wonder Master, who told you to be so courageous last night? Dressed like that to find Master, huh?"

Mu Jin was even more ashamed: "My lord still said it!"

Fourth Master laughed loudly: "Okay, don't talk, don't talk!"

As long as he thought of her going from Yuping Courtyard to Qingtong Courtyard in front of him with only her pajamas under her tightly covered cloak, he couldn't help but get a little excited.

It's a man who can't help it, okay?

He was being polite.

The two laughed for a while before coming out of the bedroom.

Not long after it was lunch time, the two children also came over.

He was also very happy to see Ama, and happily walked to Ama's side, reciting to him the ancient poems and three-character scriptures he learned today.

After discussing with Fourth Master, Mu Jin has already started to arrange some homework for the two little guys.

Half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon, recite something, and recognize as many words as you can.

Fourth Master checked and praised him from time to time. For some reason, the two children valued Ama's praise very much, and always used it to invite pets.

Fourth master was pleasantly surprised and satisfied. The two children were worthy of being his and Jin'er's children. They were very smart and could recite things very quickly.

Every time Mu Jin looked at it with a smile and tenderness, she was happy and happy in her heart, but she was not blindly optimistic. Reading well is just a basic skill. In the future, they still have too much to learn and face too many problems. How to become stronger and become a winner in life is still too early!

From this day on, Fourth Master never brought up the matter of going to Yonghe Palace to greet Concubine De.

Anyway, outsiders know that their family has been there, and that's enough.

My mother-in-law knew that she would never publicize such things as "uncomfortable" and "ill".

She wants to fight against herself, just follow her. As for whether or not she has betrayed herself in the end, that is her business.

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