Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2225 everything is moving in a good direction

Fujin reluctantly accepts this kind of rhetoric, but deep down she understands that she doesn't even believe this kind of rhetoric

But when he thought about the fact that Li Shi was the most troubled person instead of himself, Fujin became a little happy again.

Li Fangfujin's heart was indeed cold, and his chest was full of anger.

The master despises himself, so it's fine if he doesn't look at him directly. Why does the emperor have such an attitude?

This time to accompany the driver, the master only took Mu Shi to go, Huang Ama probably didn't remember that there was such a side Fujin as herself in the master's mansion, right?

Even if my income is not the same as that of Mu Jin's escort, it can't be so far behind, right?

Master, did you say anything in front of the emperor?

Li Fangfujin was full of despair and worried about his son's future.

The emperor's grand favor was obviously promoting the fourth master and consolidating the prestige of the fourth master. The courtiers were clear in their hearts, and they were obviously less likely to find troubles in the open and in the dark.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

The third master was very irritated, but he didn't dare to mess around anymore, he just closed the door in his own mansion and complained angrily in his study.

You can't knock an egg on a rock, that's not courage, it's courting death. The third master is clear.

When he left the mansion and saw Fourth Master up and down, he looked as calm as the others, with a hint of humility in his smile.

However, the unwillingness in his heart was like a poisonous snake, gnawing at his heart day and night.

Almost, just a little bit, this position was originally his, and it should have been his!

He never thought about turning the corner, once the king and his ministers were established, how did he think about it?

Even today, he still doesn't understand why Huang Ama chose the fourth child instead of himself!

Mingming Huang Ama is very satisfied with him, and the satisfaction with the fourth child is no more than that with him, and besides, he is still the elder brother, isn't he?

No matter from Li Chang or Li Xian, it should be him, right?

No one will care what the third master thinks, and no one will explain to him.

Of course, he didn't dare to ask.

At the end of November and the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, rumors suddenly spread from inside and outside the palace: It is said that the emperor plans to give the throne to the prince after the next year, and retire to be the emperor himself, to travel the world and live his life!

From then on, the world and the thousands of miles of country will be handed over to the new emperor, and he will never intervene again.

This "rumor" was like thunder rolling across the sky, and a thunderbolt in the clear sky, which shocked everyone dumbfounded!

Everyone's first reaction is: fake!

This must be fake!

I don't know which bloody bastard is so bold that he dares to spread such rumors. How about killing the nine clans!

The emperor is now in his prime, in good health, Zen position? How can a good person be in the Zen position?

What else is there to travel around the world and live for the rest of the day? It's simply absurd.

However, since this "rumor" was blown out from nowhere, not only did it not stop, but it intensified.

Rumors spread.

The people who shouted "ridiculous" gradually came to their senses.

Besides the emperor himself, who else would dare to release such "rumors"?

Who dares to release it, the first one to stand up and conduct a thorough investigation is fourth master, right? Otherwise, wouldn't it be that the fourth master was anxious to take over?

Fourth master can't bear this kind of dirty water.

However, this matter has been raging for several days. What did fourth master do? Nothing is done.

It can be seen that this matter was mostly discussed by the emperor and fourth master.

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