Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2227 Such rumors are a disaster

When the sound of the wind blew into Si Ye's mansion, Fujin was so frightened that his eyes went dark, and he passed out on the spot.

Grandma Wu and others all turned pale with fright, pinching people, fuming them with ointment and smoothing the air. It took a long time for Fujin to open his eyes, Runqiu hurriedly handed over the ginseng soup, and Mother Ji shook hands to feed Fujin half a bowl, and then Fujin reluctantly turned around.

She hurriedly ordered someone to find fourth master.

This, such rumors are a catastrophe for Si Ye's mansion! I don't know who has a vicious heart, but is not afraid of death to spread such words!

Regardless of whether or not the real culprit is found out in the end, the emperor must have doubts about the fourth master in his heart, and he will definitely have suspicions against the fourth master. This is going to be a big deal.

The emperor loved the ex-prince for thirty years, and he can depose him as soon as he says he wants to, let alone the fourth master?

The more Fujin thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he was so anxious that he almost fainted after waking up.

The news of Yuping Courtyard is also very well-informed now, and Mu Jin was even surprised when he found out about the news a little earlier than Fujin.

Compared with Fujin's panic, Mu Jin was more at a loss: What's wrong with this? ?

Unlike Fujin, Fujin decided it was a rumor without even thinking about it, but Mu Jin pondered that it might be true.

Otherwise, who would dare to release such rumors suddenly? This is not scientific!

The emperor is in good health and full of energy, and he is not obsessed with alchemy and Taoism for longevity. There is absolutely no ground for people to spread rumors from the direction of "Zen position".

Who would have thought of this inexplicably?

It would be even more stupid to say that Fourth Master was framed by this. Fourth Master has just been established as the crown prince, and the emperor is fierce, how stupid is Fourth Master to have such an idea? It must be framed!

How could Master Kangxi be used as a gun so easily? Would he be fooled by others who obviously framed Fourth Master? When he was furious, he would only trust Fourth Master Chong more.

In short, if this matter is really done by people with ulterior motives, it will have no effect at all. And the person behind the scenes, can escape the thorough investigation of Lord Kangxi and Fourth Master? no way!

This is a dead end.

All right.

So with a high probability, this is not a rumor, but true!

It's not that Fujin is too timid to think about it, but since ancient times, except for Li Yuan in the Tang Dynasty, there has never been any Zen position or Supreme Emperor. As for Li Yuan's Zen position, it was obviously not his will, but forced by his powerful son.

During the change of Xuanwu Gate, the crown prince was killed by Li Shimin violently wielding a butcher knife. How could Li Shimin not win the throne in one go? Is it possible that he is still waiting for his father to be jealous of him because of this, and then try to suppress and take over power?

But who is Lord Kangxi? Can fourth master force him to sit in Zen?

And who ascended the throne, and who is willing to take the Zen position?

Therefore, it is not surprising that Fujin immediately decided it was a rumor when he heard about it.

Mu Jin's thinking and vision are broader, and her values ​​are also different from hers. In addition, she knows very well that the one who will ascend the throne in the future will basically be the fourth master, so her thinking is naturally different.

This day, Fourth Master just returned to the mansion, and Mother Ji, who had been watching all the time, hurriedly asked Fourth Master to go to the main courtyard.

Fourth master only glanced at Ji Nanny's panicked look, and he knew why Fujin was looking for him.

Seeing Fourth Master, Fujin's heart was at ease immediately, but his eyes were red and he almost shed tears, "Master, the rumors outside are really, really out of nothing! What should we do!"

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