Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2230 This is good news for her

It's just that those things are too long ago, and anyone who knows a little bit is almost dead. Back then, Bihong didn't stay in the palace for long, and kept a low profile, hardly interacting with anyone. In addition, the Empress Dowager ordered her to keep her mouth shut, and no one in the palace was allowed to mention Bihong. Now, except for her , hardly anyone knows her anymore.

Otherwise, the harem might be turned upside down.

At Concubine Hui's age, it is naturally impossible for her to have any desire to compete for power and favor. She calmly analyzed in her heart that after the emperor left Beijing, the possibility of her son's situation being somewhat improved

Anyway, it's good news for her

As the "rumors" intensified, the flustered emotions at the beginning gradually calmed down, and everyone gradually recovered.

This isn't a "rumor", it's true!

This "rumor" can't be suppressed no matter how hard it is, there is only one reason, the emperor's unwavering support behind it.

The emperor has made up his mind!

Some are happy and some are sad.

However, whether it is happy or sad, there is a feeling like being in a dream in my heart.

No one thought, why did the emperor come up with such an idea?

Some veterans of Lord Kangxi even went to the palace to ask for an audience, hinting in private to remonstrate, begging him to dispel this idea.

On the contrary, Lord Kangxi used this to express his attitude, and forced them to express the same attitude as him.

However, it has not been announced yet.

In Siye's mansion, Fujin also came back to his senses.

Thinking that this is not a rumor, but actually true, I couldn't help but become overjoyed and ecstatic!

So, after the year, just after the year, she will soon become the queen of the world?

So fast!

She thought that she would be a crooked Prince Fujin all her life, and it ended like this. Who knew she became a princess!

Who knew that soon, she would become the most honorable woman in the Qing Dynasty! It is true that one person is under one person and above ten thousand people.

Fujin's heart was boiling hot!

In this life, it is worth it!

Even Fuyu cocked her tail, jumping up and down with arrogance.

Thirteen Fujin looked at it coldly, only thinking it was funny.

My grandfather is clearly the most loyal follower of the fourth master. When the fourth master ascends the throne, my grandfather will definitely be reused by the fourth master.

It doesn't depend on her nepotism with Si Fujin to make things happen.

So, what is she whining about?

Thirteen Fujin deliberately indulged, and Fuyu soon learned a lesson for her arrogance. Offended the thirteenth master, and was successfully grounded again.

And the thirteenth master is worried that something will happen to her, or what if she is used by someone with a heart, what if the fourth sister-in-law is involved, and then the fourth brother is involved?

You must know that during this period of time, the fourth brother must not cause any trouble.

Simply, let's get banned for half a year!

Fuyu almost cried to death

Everyone in Ulanara's house was excited, and Fujin's mother went to Fujin several times during this period of time.

Finally, the issue of the heirs was brought up.

"Fu Jin, in the coming year, you will be the empress of the Qing Dynasty! Only your son-in-law is eligible to inherit everything from the fourth master. Such a huge benefit is simply cheaper for others, so how can you be willing! But your body is—— "

Jueluo sighed, and continued: "Our family is discussing to choose a girl from your cousin's house. When the time comes, you will let her serve the fourth master and give birth to a little elder brother, who will be raised under your knees. Anyway, there will be us The blood of the Ulanara family is always stronger than that of outsiders!"

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