Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2233 awkward chat in Yonghe Palace

Fujin had a disagreement with the fourth master yesterday, and now it is different from the past, and she is somewhat apprehensive, for fear that the fourth master will not welcome her.

After all, a prince and concubine is disliked by the prince, and a queen is not disliked by the emperor. Although they are both disliked, the weight is absolutely different.

Therefore, facing the concubine Defei at this moment, Fujin no longer had the calmness and calmness of the past, and looked a little stiff, and the smile on his lips was far-fetched.

The atmosphere was so weird and awkward, everyone felt it, and no one felt at ease.

Empress Concubine De could not help but "swish" a surge of anger.

It just doesn't make sense!

She didn't want to bow to fourth master at all, because it seemed to prove that she, a mother-in-law, couldn't even control her own son, which was too embarrassing.

It was Aunt Qiu who persuaded her earnestly.

The thing about the Zen position is very likely to be true. When the fourth master ascended the throne and lived in the palace, even though she was his biological mother, if he had conflicts with her, there were many ways to make her life difficult.

She had to think about her own future, and as a last resort, she had to reluctantly listen to Aunt Qiu's words, and through the fourteenth master, she hinted at the fourth master in a roundabout way.

So there was the matter that a group of people from Si Ye's mansion came to pay their respects today.

But these people have no sincerity at all!

What's even worse is that fourth master, pointing to something to do, actually asked for safety and left.

His wings are stiff, do you think he can't do anything about him?

In fact, it doesn't matter whether Fujin is here or not, the concubine de concubine mainly wants to talk to the fourth master, who knows that the fourth master has no intention of talking at all, how can she not be angry?

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law continued to chat awkwardly.

Then, Empress Defei finally couldn't bear it any longer, and said coldly that she was a little tired and was going to rest for a while, and asked Fujin to take care of her, and asked Mu Jin and Li Fang Fujin to water the flowers for her in the yard.

Mu Jin and the three looked at each other: Ma'am, what does this mean?

Fujin accompanied her with a smile: "Since Erniang is tired, I will come to visit Erniang next time, I will wait for this—"

"From the fourth family," De Fei said calmly as she got up, "Why are you in such a hurry to go back home? Now that you have become a crown princess, do you have a lot of affairs to deal with?"

Fujin was taken aback, his face flushed immediately, and he hurriedly stiffened to laugh with him: "Er Niang, Er Niang, you are joking."

Fujin glanced at Mu Jin and Li Fangfujin, didn't speak, and followed De Fei Empress.

Mu Jin and Li Fangfujin went out to water the flowers.

As the tide rises, the flowers and trees in Empress Defei's yard are getting better and better.

The pots of beautiful and blooming flowers and trees were all selected from the flower house and sent over. Famous camellias, rhododendrons, hibiscus, lilies, osmanthus, and chrysanthemums are in full bloom.

It is said that it is watering the flowers, but how can Mu Jin and Li Fangfujin do it themselves? It is enough for the two of them to stand there and enjoy the flowers, and the servants will do it themselves.

Mu Jin and Li Fangfujin have always been at odds, both of them looked indifferent, and there was nothing to talk about standing together, and each was lost in thought.

Mu Jin was thinking in her heart, the reason why the Concubine De kept them was definitely not because she wanted to invite them to have lunch with enthusiasm, but because of Fourth Master, right?

After the fourth master supervised the country, he no longer went to the yamen of the household department to report, and his office was moved to the side hall of the Qianqing Palace.

They haven't left the palace yet, so the fourth master will naturally know about them, and he will naturally understand what Defei Empress means. He will definitely come again.

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