Concubine De concubine snorted softly, and glanced at Mu Jin, unable to tell whether she was satisfied or dissatisfied, she looked haggard and weak, waved her hand and said: "Forget it, since that's the case, let her be left behind!"

The fourth master then said to Mu Jin: "Take good care of Er Niang, come with me, and I have a few words for you."

"Yes." Mu Jin responded, followed Fourth Master, and entered the empty side hall together.

The fourth master embraced Mu Jin in his arms and hugged her tightly, "Jin'er"

He lowered his eyes, looked pitifully and guiltily, and kissed her.

Mu Jin raised her head and smiled, "Master, don't worry."

Fourth Master lowered his head and kissed her brows, eyes, lips and nose with pity, and said in a low voice: "Baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

He knew she was doing it for him.

He didn't believe that she didn't know that if she stayed in Yonghe Palace like this, she would be made things difficult by Er Niang.

Fourth master felt uncomfortable, distressed and guilty.

Mu Jin also said that out of desperation at the time, it would be a lie to say that she was not nervous or afraid.

But now I feel that it is still worth it.

"Sir, don't be like this. I have a big heart and a good body, so I can protect myself." Mu Jin gently stroked his handsome face, smiled softly, and said coquettishly: "You have to remember the kindness of this slave. This slave is considered a great achievement, and when I return, I will reward you from the Lord."

The fourth master made her laugh out loud, sighed helplessly and dotingly, and said in a low and soft voice: "I'm going back home, how about the master serving you every day?"

Mu Jin blushed, "Speak seriously!"

Fourth master laughed: "This is serious talk, it can't be more serious!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, Fourth Master held her in his arms, told her some instructions, and held her shoulders reluctantly: "Take care of yourself. If Er Niang is too much, Jin'er doesn't have to bear it. Master will come here every day to say hello , if there is anything, you must tell Grandpa."

Mu Jin nodded, "Don't worry!"

Fourth Master sighed with a low smile, he put his heart here, how could he really rest assured? The world is so big, with thousands of miles of land, but he only has such a top-notch person.

"The slave is not in the mansion, so I don't know if Sisi and Brother Nian will have trouble. But no matter what, Madam Yan and the others will take good care of the children, please don't let them move out." Mu Jin said again.

The two children have been with each other, and they have slept with the nanny since they were young. They will be coaxed well, and they will not be too noisy to pester themselves.

What worries her most is that Fujin "kindly" took the two children to the main courtyard to take care of them.

Fourth Master held her hand: "Don't worry, that is also the child that Grandpa loves most, and Grandpa will explain it to you."

Mu Jin smiled and nodded.

Mu Jin straightened her bun, tugged at her clothes, and asked Fourth Master to see if there was anything wrong with her face?

A smile flashed across Fourth Master's eyes, and he couldn't help leaning over to kiss her on the face again, "There's nothing wrong, anywhere is fine!"

It's just that the eyes are a little moist, and the white and tender skin is slightly flushed.

It is expected that Er Niang will not look carefully, as to whether other people see it or not, that is not important. Don't dare to speculate and talk nonsense when you see it.

Mu Jin touched his still hot face, cast a glance at Fourth Master, followed him submissively, and the two came out one after the other.

The fourth master soon led Fujin and Li Fangfujin away. Mu Jin stayed in Yonghe Palace with Xiaotao and Huaishan.

Empress Defei gave Mu Jin a cold look. "

Ask for another ticket, babes! ok~~

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