Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2242 Who knows that's not the case

Fall, fall.

I'm used to enjoying it on weekdays. After this day, even if I haven't done anything, my waist is sore and my back hurts. When I lie down, my body relaxes, and I feel so comfortable that I'm about to fall apart.

Mu Jinxin said that it was thanks to him staying, if Fujin stayed, he might have to die tonight.

With Fujin's body, can he set up rules and serve others?

Besides, she is dignified, virtuous and respectful, so she definitely won't cheat like herself, play tricks, be lazy and take advantage of the loopholes, she will only be more tired than herself.

Mu Jin originally thought that after a good day of exercise and being so tired, she would sleep very soundly tonight.

Unexpectedly, this is not the case.

After lying down, he didn't feel sleepy for a long time, and his mind was full of fourth master and the two children.

I don't know if the two children were crying and looking for Er Niang. After all, I haven't seen her all day. Before this, she and the children had never been separated for so long.

And fourth master, do you miss yourself too?

Will someone seize the opportunity to stage a "coincidence" or something to get close to Fourth Master? Fourth Master won't be fooled, right?

After tossing and turning for a long time, Mu Jin fell asleep in a daze.

In Qingtong Courtyard, fourth master also just fell asleep in the middle of the night.

Even if Xiao Li was sent to the Yonghe Palace, he was still worried about Mu Jin.

I'm afraid she will suffer

In the early morning of the next day, Mu Jin and Xiao Li Fang Fujin were still serving in front of the concubine De concubine in an orderly manner.

In the morning, the fourth master and the fourteenth master came to visit An, and brought the imperial physician to make a diagnosis and prescribe medicine.

When the concubine de concubine saw fourth master, she immediately became angry.

She absolutely did not believe that Xiao Li's entering the palace to serve the sick was not like the fourth master's handwriting.

Fourth master greeted her a few words, then called Mu Jin to ask her alone to understand the situation.

In the side hall, the fourth master couldn't wait to pull him into his arms. After a long kiss, the fourth master put his hands on Mu Jin's shoulders and looked up and down, "How was yesterday? Did Er Niang make things difficult for Jin'er? Did you make him kneel?" ? Did you keep the tea hot? Are you tired?"

Mu Jin felt sweet in her heart, smiled lowly, hugged Fourth Master's waist and raised her eyes to look at him, her watery eyes blinked lightly: "My master asked so many questions, but I don't know how to answer them."

Fourth Master was startled, and both of them laughed.

He lowered his head and pecked lightly on her lips, "It's okay to be able to joke with Grandpa."

"Don't worry," Mu Jin said in a soft voice, "everything is fine here, and Er Niang's illness has also improved. I guess she won't be able to stay for a few days."

It will be the Chinese New Year soon, and she doesn't believe it, can the Empress Concubine De concubine keep her for the New Year?

The fourth master sneered slightly: "My master can't wait, don't worry, Jin'er will definitely be able to leave by tomorrow at the latest."

Mu Jin's eyes lit up, and she looked at him in surprise and joy, asking him with a proper meaning: Really?

Although the concubine de concubine had some scruples and did not dare to tear her face apart, and there was Xiao Li Fang Fujin attracting fire, but staying in such a place made people feel uncomfortable after all, and of course she wished to leave as soon as possible.

Fourth master laughed, hugged her into his arms and patted her on the back lightly, and said softly: "I can still lie to you? Wait"

"Of course the master won't lie to the servant!" Mu Jin laughed, and leaned over to kiss his face.

Fourth Master smiled, took her hand and squeezed it lightly: "Let's go out."

After the imperial doctor made a diagnosis, he readjusted the prescription, and Aunt Qiu had ordered people to go down and boil the medicine.

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