The Fourteenth Fujin gave birth to the eldest son of the Fourteenth Master on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year.

It is a very good sign to give birth to the eldest son at the beginning of the first lunar month.

If it was in another year, maybe even Lord Kangxi would have noticed it, but this year, no one really noticed it.

After all, compared to Fourteenth Master finally having his eldest son, of course Fourth Master's coming to the throne soon is more eye-catching.

Where is Lord Kangxi? He also has to explain to the fourth master, and takes the time to meet the old ministers one by one according to the arranged list to appease and say goodbye, and there are countless handover tasks that require him to nod to do it!

Whenever he has some free time, he still has to run to Changchun Garden to accompany Bihong.

Even on the first day of the new year, after dealing with the royal family and courtiers, even in the afternoon, he had to rush to Changchun Garden to say happy new year to Bihong!

Therefore, how could he have the time to take care of such things as which son's family has another child.

Anyway, grandchildren and grandchildren are not rare for him.

Empress Defei was very happy, her beloved youngest son finally had an eldest son, and her daughter-in-law's belly was very upbeat!

But soon, Empress Defei noticed it. It seemed that she was the only one concerned and happy about this matter besides the fourteenth master's house, and she immediately became depressed.

This is obviously a great event, everyone should congratulate and congratulate it, why did it become like this?

The concubine de concubine was so angry that she called for the fourth master, who was not happy and complained.

"Your fourteenth brother finally got the eldest son. This child is also blessed. He was born on a good day in the first month. When the child is full moon, no matter what you do, you have to make arrangements and make it lively."

"Your fourteenth brother is still young, he has never experienced these things, and he doesn't understand anything. I think it's better for you to help me with this matter!"

Although the concubine de concubine was still unhappy in her heart, she had to admit that the status of the crown prince who was about to enthroned was much more noble than that of the fourteenth Baylor, and those snobs who looked down on others also valued it a lot.

If the fourth master came forward to handle this matter, everyone's eyes would definitely fall on the eldest son of the fourteenth master, so that she, the grandson who was so distressed that she hadn't met before, would be well-off.

Fourth master was very busy.

In the end, my mother-in-law asked someone to pass me in, just for such a small matter, and she barely made a fool of herself in front of Concubine De.

Angry and funny.

Why didn't he know before, his mother-in-law can really do it!

Whether it is the eldest son or the eldest daughter of the old fourteenth son, how much does it have to do with him? When the time comes, he will be with the ceremony.

He is a brother, so the gift should be more serious.

He came forward to hold a full moon banquet for the eldest son of the fourteenth? Is my mother crazy?

The fourth master was too lazy to chatter with the concubine De concubine, who was getting more and more out of tune, and said with a sullen face, "Don't worry, Er Niang, it's not difficult for me to trouble the old fourteen. For Er Niang, she looks down on the fourteen too much." My brother! Even if the fourteenth brother doesn’t understand, there is a housekeeper in his house. If the housekeeper doesn’t understand, you can ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs or your son’s house for advice. The little elder brother’s full moon banquet will definitely be very lively If there is trouble, there will be what should be."

It shouldn't be, and you should stop trying to figure it out.

Concubine De's anger flared up again.

She felt more and more that she simply couldn't communicate well with this unworthy son. No matter what happened, he refused to follow her mother-in-law, and would go against her in everything!

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