Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2254 Who doesn't want to be the lord of the first house by himself?

There is only an alleyway between Xisan Office and Yuhua Pavilion. If the third elder brother lives in Xisan Office, it will be much more convenient for him to see.

Fujin glanced at Li Fangfujin, smiled and said: "This is the arrangement of the master."

With one sentence, Li Fangfujin was dismissed.

Wu Gege couldn't help laughing and said: "Fujin, the palace is spacious, we don't have many people here, and it's more than enough for each of us to live in one palace room, why, why do we have to be crowded together? I beg Fujin to feel sorry for the slave Ladies and gentlemen, why don’t you speak kindly in front of the master for the servants, and let the servants live alone in the palace.”

If there is not enough space, that's fine.

But there are only a few of them, and there are twelve palaces in the East Sixth Palace and West Sixth Palace, but it is a bit reconciled to squeeze two people together.

Although each palace courtyard is big enough, according to the rules, there are people to live together, but it is not that there are few people.

Who doesn't want to be the lord of the first house by himself.

Wu Gege's words can be regarded as expressing everyone's aspirations. For a while, Song Gege, An Gege, and Geng Gege couldn't help but secretly looked at Fujin nervously and expectantly.

Fujin sneered in his heart, Fourth Master didn't like her very much anymore, so it was impossible for her to oppose Fourth Master's intentions for these people.

Fujin smiled and said: "What's the matter? Don't worry, the place you live in is spacious enough, and you are all old people from the hidden mansion, so I can't wrong you! Our master is not that kind of person."

"Furthermore, it seems that there are few people now, but now that the Lord has succeeded to the throne, maybe there will be a draft next year. I don't know how many newcomers will be recruited in the palace. After all, there must be as many royal heirs as possible. At that time, this residence But it’s not that easy.”

"You all know the basics, and if you live in the same place, you can take care of each other, wouldn't it be good?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and Wu Gege was speechless for a moment.

Although he was disappointed in his heart, but after thinking about it carefully, Fujin's words were reasonable.

So Wu Gege laughed and said: "What Fujin said is true, but it's a slave's little knowledge! When the time comes for the draft, newcomers will enter the palace, and we will have more sisters. That will be the excitement! Mu Fang Fujin, Don't you think so?"

Even if he couldn't occupy a palace room alone, but it could stimulate Mu Jin, Wu Gege would be happy to do it.

She can't wait for the draft this year! We'll have to see how long this Mu Fangfu Jin can be alone with when newcomers who are fat, swallow, thin, good at singing and dancing, and all kinds of flamboyant newcomers enter the palace.

Wu Gege was waiting to see Mu Jin's joke.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Mu Jin, Mu Jin smiled and nodded: "Wu Gege is right, it must be very lively then."

Wu Gege sneered in his heart, and said to pretend, you just pretend.

He laughed again: "The excitement is the excitement, but we can't compare with Mu Ce Fujin. Mu Ce Fujin's appearance is not as good as the newcomer's youthfulness. Thinking about it, there are few newcomers who can compare."

Mu Jin thought for a while, then nodded: "That's true."

Wu Gege: ""

Geng Gege raised the veil and pressed it against his lips, secretly smiling. With Wu Gege's temperament, why does he always like to make fun of himself?

Fujin said quickly: "Okay, after the newcomers arrive, there will be plenty of days for discussion, so I won't talk about it now. The master said, the servants in the palace will be re-arranged at the House of Internal Affairs, Gege can bring two to three people Entering the palace, side Fujin can bring four to six people, and the little masters can each bring four to six people, you go back and make arrangements, and after discussing it, bring the list to me."

Sisters ask for votes o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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