After all, not to mention other places, the Suzhou weaving and Jiangning weaving alone have thousands of pieces of material that are paid twice a year.

Mu Jin then told Fourth Master to only pick some excellent ones and those forbidden by ordinary people to keep, and send the rest to her natal family.

The fourth master didn't care, and smiled at her: "Jin'er's things are for Jin'er to dispose of on his own. If it's inconvenient to take away, he will reward someone who should be rewarded, and send it to Mu's family. It's just that you must ask Madam Yan to be careful." Palm Palm Eye, don’t accidentally send out prohibited items.”

Mu Jin nodded in agreement.

Many jewelry, clothing materials, and decorations are not available to those who are below a certain level.

It is presumptuous to use it.

If someone gets caught, the matter can be big or small. For the small ones, they can be reprimanded and fined, and demoted to official positions.

For example, the beaded emeralds and emeralds that show the auspiciousness of the dragon and the phoenix can only be used by queens, queen mothers, imperial concubines, and princesses; for example, the top-quality Dadong beads can only be worn by princes, princes, and concubines.

It is the emperor's grace to reward others with one or two, and it is only allowed to be used by oneself, and it is absolutely not allowed to be given to others.

Weaving golden makeup brocade, Kesi, royal brocade, Song brocade, Shu brocade, etc., and besides her own, there are also many scarlet gold woven silk, scarlet gold everywhere, etc., which were obtained on Sisi’s birthday, and she picked them out. Afterwards, a total of forty horses were left, packed in three large boxes.

The rest were rewarded to everyone in the yard, and the rest were sent to the Mu family.

All kinds of jewelry and hairpin rings, gold, silver, antique and jade ornaments, and other odds and ends are packed into more than 30 large boxes.

There are also eight large and small 16-cut and 12-cut screens, the kang screens on the kang, and the screens. The embroidery on them is Mu Jin's favorite, and they must be taken away together.

In addition, there are four sets of porcelain, vases and vases, dishes and spoons, teacups and teacups. Mu Jin personally stared at the packing box, wrapped it with thick cotton cloth, and carefully packed each piece into a large wooden box. Serve with dried mung beans so they don't get jarred.

After the box is sealed, a special mark must be made on the outside, and the carriage must be handled with care, and one piece must not be destroyed.

Without him, these sets of porcelain were all drawn by the fourth master himself, ordered the best kiln craftsmen to fire them, and they were specially given to Mu Jin.

That time when he asked her what reward she wanted, she knew that he was good at painting with fine brushwork, so she had a whim and said with a smile that he wanted him to draw a set of patterns to burn a set of porcelain.

She is being cautious. Thinking of using it in flower arranging, drinking tea, eating, and arranging cakes and fruits in the future, so that he can see it is also a small interest between the two of them.

After that, it was over, and she forgot about it. Unexpectedly, he actually remembered that someone actually bought it for her, not one set, but four sets.

No matter how experienced a craftsman is, he cannot guarantee that every piece is a high-quality product when firing high-quality porcelain. With a glance at the kiln, he can only pick out three or five flawless pieces, and the rest can only be smashed. It's over.

These sets of porcelain took several months to complete.

She also got it two months ago, and she was so moved at that time.

Therefore, these sets of porcelain are more important than anything else in her eyes, and they must be foolproof.

What Mu Jin sent to the Mu family included brocade and satin materials, as well as a lot of jade, porcelain, and antiques. She also picked out a few precious things for her daily use, and specially gave them to her mother, sister-in-law, and nieces as a thought.

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