Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2266 completely angered Fujin Tian

After elder brother Hongjing confirmed that he was fine, Sanfujin only allowed Nanny He and his two close maids, Zizhu and Caizhu, to serve him.

All the servants who served Brother Hongjing were separated and locked up.

Tian Fang Fujin's attitude is very firm, she must thoroughly investigate this matter, she must thoroughly investigate to the end, and she will not back down even half a step!

What happened this time completely angered Tian Ce Fujin.

The third master also nodded in agreement.

Hongjing is also his son, so he naturally feels distressed.

My own son was poisoned in his own mansion. Although this matter was not publicized with great fanfare, the fire could not be covered with paper. Since the imperial physician was invited, since the imperial physician was diagnosed and there were so many slaves present, the more important thing was Yes, Fujin Tian will definitely not be willing to suppress this matter and spread the word, it will be a matter of time.

If he didn't find out such a person, what if someone came to him in the future?

I shudder just thinking about it!

Fujin Tian has always taken good care of elder brother Hongjing. Even if elder brother Hongjing recovers, the habits she has formed over the years have not changed.

It is basically impossible for outsiders to touch the things that Brother Hongjing entered. There must be an inside thief in this matter.

Tian Fang Fujin personally interrogated the servants, servant girls and eunuchs who served Brother Hongjing, big and small, who worked hard and meticulously, one by one, and even the nanny was not spared.

Where have you been recently, whether you have been out, who you have been in contact with, what places you have been to that you have never been to before, whether something happened at home, etc., and tortured in detail.

He also ordered Mother He to take her confidants to search and search their houses one by one, and not to let go of any suspicious things.

Tian Fang Fujin was afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, so he tortured everyone all day until late at night, but the result surprised her very much.

There was nothing suspicious about anyone.

Nanny He also had a look of resentment and aggrieved, unexpectedly there was no extra money, unsightly clothes, jewelry and other valuables.

Ordinarily shouldn't.

As soon as the second elder brother had an accident here, Ce Fujin ordered people to seal the yard, and all the servants who served were also taken down, no one had time to do anything.

Could it be that person is so cunning? Quietly put away all the gold and silver and other things before making the move?

Mother He was very ashamed of facing Fujin Tian, ​​and said in a low voice, "It's all because of my incompetence."

Tian Fang Fujin pondered for a while, "Nurse, do you think it's possible that the other party didn't use money to buy her?"

"This, how is it possible!" He Mama hurriedly said: "Ce Fujin, you have come to treat Kuanhe yourself, and you have never treated anyone badly. It is a good job to serve the little brother. If you don't want to benefit, you will help outsiders to harm the little brother." Brother, if you take the risk of being exposed, who is not afraid of being stupid."

Tian Fang Fujin is strong as a mother, what happened this time really irritated her, and her mind is extremely clear and calm at the moment.

She sneered, and said slowly: "That's not necessarily the case, what if the person serving Jing'er is originally a nail arranged by others?"

"This—" He Nanny was stunned, then changed color and said in shock: "Fu, Fujin"

Niu Gulu's family entered the mansion a short time ago, and the people serving Hongjing's side were selected a few years ago, and they have not changed.

If there is a nail, it can only be Sanfujin.

Tian Fang Fujin's smile became colder, and he said slowly: "It's hard to say."

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