Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2306 This person's behavior style has no reason to change

In her own palace, Mu Jin didn't have to pretend to be sick.

Anyway, no one is so bold as to dare to speak out.

Fourth Master held her hand, looked him up and down, and asked with a casual smile, "Are you feeling better?"

"The concubine is not—" Mu Jin was about to say that the concubine was not sick, but when she suddenly came to her senses, this guy probably did not refer to illness but the riot yesterday, her face turned red immediately, and she glared at him coquettishly , the inexplicable legs are a little soft.

Mu Jin complained wildly in her heart, if there is no space for hot springs to soothe her body, she might not be able to recover her body today.

Fourth master laughed, in a good mood, gently squeezed her hand, sat down with her arms around her, leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Hey, it was my fault yesterday, Jin'er, don't blame me."

He was so angry yesterday that he couldn't vent his anger. He just wanted to hug her and kiss her. As long as he thought that there was always such a person in this world, he would feel at ease and at ease, so that he would not feel at a loss. There is nothing to talk about.

But for some reason, when I saw her holding her, my emotions suddenly lost control

Looking back afterwards, fourth master felt distressed again, thinking that he must have hurt her yesterday.

Mu Jin shook her head, "The concubine, the concubine is actually fine, I don't blame the emperor."


"Of course it is true!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the fourth master embraced her: "Well, that's good, I love Jin'er for a long time."

Mu Jin couldn't help laughing out loud, and rubbed against his arms.

She didn't have the nerve to say, actually, although it hurt a little yesterday, the feeling of extreme indulgence was actually quite good.

Of course, that kind of feeling once or twice is enough, and it is quite unbearable if there are too many.

"By the way, the emperor has been to Shoukang Palace, right? How is Er Niang? Does it matter?"

The smile on Fourth Master's face disappeared immediately, and he sneered slightly, and said to Mu Jin unhurriedly, and couldn't help but said: "Jin'er, Er Niang, she is threatening me, isn't it?"

Mu Jin was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that Concubine De, who had always been a fool in front of Fourth Master, would suddenly change her course.

There's no reason for this person's behavior to change at will.

When it comes to the intrigues, petty schemes and conspiracies among the women in the back house, Fourth Master is definitely not as experienced as Mu Jin, who has fought wits and bravery for countless rounds.

Mu Jin thought for a while, then smiled lightly and said: "The emperor just waits. She will always tell what Er Niang wants, and she will never be so vague as to make the emperor guess. The concubine is bold, and Er Niang is probably Waiting for the emperor to ask, who knows that the emperor never asked."

Fourth Master thought for a while, then nodded: "You're right. Even if I don't ask, she will always tell. I just wait."

"Also," Mu Jin glanced at him, and said, "This is just a concubine's conjecture, the emperor might as well send someone to check, before the queen empress and the others went to visit Erniang, what kind of information was there?" People have been there."

"Why is that?" Fourth master was surprised.

But he suddenly realized: "Jin'er means that Er Niang talked to me like that today, maybe someone taught her?"

Fourth Master's tone was tinged with a cold killing intent.

He will never forgive anyone who dares to do anything in his harem!

"The concubine can't be sure, but the behavior of Er Niang today is obviously very different from the past. The concubine just feels that a person's behavior style has suddenly changed for no reason."

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