Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2321 cold sweat dripping down the back of Nanny Wu

The queen snorted softly, this moment is long enough.

"You go again, just say so."

"Yes, master."

Watching Nanny Ji leave, the queen stared at the direction she was leaving, and then retracted her gaze after a while, sighing quietly: "Mother Wu, tell me, Mother Ji, did she have an affair?"

"What?" Nanny Wu couldn't realize the meaning of the queen's words for a while, and was startled.

When she regained her senses, she couldn't help but change her face, and hurriedly said: "Master, this, this can't be done? Mother Ji is just like the old slave—"

Although both of them are mothers by the queen's side, and there is always a time of secret rivalry on weekdays, but in terms of loyalty, Mother Wu thinks that Mother Ji is fine.

The Queen didn't wait for her to finish speaking and sneered: "She is different from you, Nanny! If there are some things, I just don't want to say it, but it doesn't mean that I don't know anything. When I was still in the mansion before , consciously or not, she always turned to Mu Shi, and spoke for Mu Shi calmly, I just don't care about her. Now it's good, but she thinks about Mu Shi all the time! Is she so sure that Mu Shi will have the last laugh? You are too impatient! Your Majesty, you are still young!"

"Let's talk about the prince. At the beginning, who didn't think that he was destined to be the biggest winner. What happened? Hehe!"

Sweat dripped down Wumama's back.

She opened her mouth, wanting to say something fair for Mother Ji, but she couldn't say anything.

She didn't dare.

She suddenly remembered Ji Momo's casual sigh, she said, the queen is no longer the original master, at this moment, she finally felt that she seemed to feel a little bit too

The queen's cold voice sounded again: "What kind of thing is the Mu family? Even if you are named a noble concubine, it is still under my palace. As long as I think of Mother Ji serving Mu's lunch, I will feel tired and tense." From now on, keep an eye on her, if she has the heart and guts, that's fine, if she really sells out Ben Gong, Ben Gong will never let her go lightly!"

"" Mammy Wu really wanted to say that Mammy Ji might have just waited in Yikun Palace for a while today and didn't serve Concubine Yi for lunch? But he didn't dare to mention it at all, and only had one word "yes" in his mouth.

Nanny Ji returned quickly this time, but the queen was already sleepy and rested, and did not see her.

Nanny Ji didn't expect the queen to doubt her at all, she just thought that she was physically and mentally haggard between the fourth master and Concubine De in the past two days, and she needed to rest more because she was out of energy, and she didn't take it seriously.

On the same day in Yikun Palace, it was reported that Concubine Yi had recovered from her illness, but the emperor did not go to Yikun Palace for dinner.

In the afternoon, the emperor made a decree, expressing his great concern for the illness of Concubine De, and he will eat vegetarian food recently to pray for Concubine De.

Naturally, the concubines will not be summoned to serve.

The emperor's will instantly spread throughout the harem.

The emperor has done this, how can others lag behind? All of a sudden, they sent people to the imperial dining room to change the menu, expressing that they would eat vegetarian food like the emperor these days, and pray for Dowager De.

Even the clothes and jewelry were changed immediately to look quite plain.

In the afternoon, the fourth master only saw two courtiers according to the original arrangement, but he also temporarily changed it. He met four courtiers, and also met with the third, eighth, and thirteenth masters. It seems that this is a superficial way, expressing concern about Concubine De's condition.

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