Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2327 Concubine De changed her face

The fourth master looked deeper than Mu Jin, and said coldly: "Emiang, she wants the queen's life! She wants to use the queen's life to blackmail me!"

Mu Jin was stunned, and when she came back to her senses, she broke out in a cold sweat, feeling a chill down her spine.

The fourth master was a little frightened when he saw her reaction, and his heart ached immediately, he hugged her into his arms, bowed his head and kissed her, and comforted her softly: "Hey, don't be afraid, I won't let anyone hurt Jin'er, I will take good care of Jin'er Son."

Mu Jin forced a smile and nodded: "The concubine is not afraid, just - just didn't react for a while."

The main reason is that I didn't expect that a woman who was sick and haggard like that, who looked like a weak person, was so vicious, it was too disobedient on the outside and inside, it was hard to accept for a while.

The fourth master patted Mu Jin comfortingly, "Emiang's place, Jin'er just don't go."

Mu Jin looked up at him from his arms, and said with a smile: "The emperor doesn't think the concubine is frightened, does he? Really, the concubine is going to go, it's impossible to give up halfway!"

Fourth Master saw that she didn't look like she was lying, so he smiled helplessly: "Forget it, then go ahead, it's up to you. No matter what you do, I won't blame you."

Mu Jin felt sweet in her heart, "This is why the servant said to go."

Fourth Master laughed out loud.

Fourth Master had lunch in Yikun Palace, and when he returned to Yangxin Palace, Mu Jin went out with him.

It's just that fourth master is going back to deal with government affairs, while Mu Jin is going to Shoukang Palace.

Concubine De didn't expect Mu Jin to actually come after what she said, and immediately felt a dull pain in her head.

"I don't need you here anymore, step back!"

How could this kind of words work for Mu Jin?

Not only did Mu Jin smile the same, but her tone was more sincere: "You're welcome, Er Niang. The concubine should be filial to Er Niang. This is what the emperor ordered repeatedly. If the emperor is not busy with government affairs, I will definitely come here again in person."

Concubine De's temples twitched, she felt that if she really died, it would definitely not be due to illness, but because of this Mu family's anger.

"Er Niang, take medicine and have lunch! The emperor is very concerned about Er Niang's health. Now, inside and outside the palace, who doesn't know about the honorable ministers of the clan, and even the common people? Everyone praises Er Niang for her good fortune. Woolen cloth!"

Concubine De: "Shut up for me!"

Mu Jin smiled, but this time she closed her mouth cooperatively.

Want to pretend to be sick and take advantage of Fourth Master? Then you are sick, whether you can handle it or not is hard to say.

Aunt Qiu's hands trembled a little, and she held a medicine bowl to feed Concubine De the medicine. Concubine De twisted her chin angrily.

Mu Jin: "Emiang, why bother playing with this child's temper? There is a saying from my concubine, that the future will last forever, and the Fourteenth Lord is still young. It is not difficult to have a prince title in the future. You are doing this for the Fourteenth Lord. To persecute the emperor, have you ever thought about how the emperor feels better?"

Concubine De sneered: "Is it the fourth son who asked you to say these words?"

Mu Jin shook her head: "No. If you are willing to stay sick like this, the emperor will naturally pray for you. The emperor's filial piety is also praised by the emperor!"

Concubine De's complexion changed.

How can her weight match that of Lord Kangxi? As long as Lord Kangxi says that the fourth master is filial, the fourth master is filial piety. Besides, Fourth Master's filial piety to her biological mother has been passed on, even if she dies right now, it will be for nothing

Mu Jin looked at her words, and said again: "Where is the queen, the emperor specially sent someone to commend and appease him today, and praised the queen for her filial piety to Emiang!"

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