Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2333 This is called being arrogant, Jin'er

Mu Jin blinked, smiled transparently and innocently, and said with a smile: "The concubine is just relying on the emperor's favor, saying whatever comes to mind, and thinking of it for a while. You know the emperor, the confinement that the concubine is usually subject to There is not much at all, and there is nothing to be cautious in words and deeds in front of the emperor!"

The fourth master laughed, and pinched her face lightly, "This is called being arrogant, Jin'er."

Mu Jin couldn't help laughing, and climbed up the pole: "Then the emperor still favors you?"

Fourth Master's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly he became a little bit worried and his thoughts floated, wishing he could pamper her right now.

He hugged her and tightened his arms, and smiled softly in her ear: "Pet, who do I spoil if I don't spoil Jin'er? Baby, listen to me tonight, I will spoil Jin'er well"

Mu Jin blushed, Jiaochen turned her face away, stumbled and forcibly twisted the crooked building back: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty hasn't responded to what I said just now, Your Majesty, do you have a good idea for me? I am very happy I want to see what good things I can make!"

Fourth Master's expression suddenly became serious, and he thought for a while, "This matter is very important, I need to think about it carefully and come up with a comprehensive regulation. I'm afraid those old officials in the court—"

Fourth master shook his head lightly, feeling a little irritable and annoyed.

He has been fighting wits and courage with the veterans for a while. If such a thing comes out, I am afraid that the veterans will definitely object.

Because of things like glass workshops, cake shops, and rice planting, Fourth Master's views on craftsmen and farmers have greatly changed. The improvement of a certain skill may indeed bring huge benefits.

For example, Glass Workshop, without this, how can the Cao family pay back the two million and hundreds of thousands of silver owed to the Ministry of Accounts? The matter of urging the old accounts of the treasury will never be so smooth.

These are all real benefits.

However, it is precisely this benefit that veterans look down on the most.

In their eyes, this is no different from profit-seeking businessmen, who should be despised by scholars all over the world.

For example, the sea ban in the south, Huang Ama once tried to reopen the sea ban when she was young, but ended in failure.

If I want to build such a place now, in their eyes, it must be obsession and ingenuity, not doing a proper job, and not being a king

Mu Jin also thought of this, and after listening to Fourth Master's words, she thought that it would be a long way off to start arguing with those old officials. Don't expect to have a result in at least three to five years, so how can it be done?

"Your majesty, it's easy. Why don't we bypass the court? If the emperor is willing, we can do it in the name of a concubine. We don't want to make a fuss, just keep a low profile. This Old Summer Palace is ours." Yuanzi, the concubine, the dignified concubine, what to do in her own garden, this is a private matter of the harem, and the concubine wants to see, which old minister is so bold to take charge of the emperor's harem!"

The fourth master was taken aback for a moment, feeling enlightened and free-spirited, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, okay! Jin'er's words are very reasonable, so let's do it! I will arrange for someone to do this later, this house The yard can be started to be built!"

Mu Jin smiled sweetly: "Your Majesty is wise, that's great! Anyway, we are not short of money, and we don't need to pay a penny from the treasury, and no one can say anything."

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