Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2336 Temporarily return to her mother's house

Mrs. Luo couldn't bear to let go of Mu Jin's hand, she laughed and sighed, and asked her incoherently how she is doing now? Are you okay in the palace? Does the emperor treat her so well? Where are Little Elder Brother and Little Gege? How about Concubine De and the Empress? Are there more rules in the palace?

Mu Jin answered them one by one with a smile, and then asked about the situation at home.

Mrs. Luo saw that she was really okay, and she didn't look forced to smile, so she was relieved.

Speaking of family, I felt a little troubled, and sighed with a wry smile: "Since you became a noble concubine, the emperor likes to value you, but the middle palace can't—cough cough, for a while, the threshold of our family is almost It's going to be trampled to pieces."

"I don't know where some people inquired about the news. They know that you still have a younger brother who hasn't announced your marriage. Recently, the family has declined four matchmakers who want to marry your fourth brother!"

Mrs. Luo really felt a terrible headache.

What's even more ridiculous is that she wants to give concubines to her eldest son and second son. It's not easy for the two daughters-in-law to refuse this kind of thing, otherwise they will spread their reputation of being unworthy and intolerant. Her mother-in-law came forward.

In short, this period of time has been really exhausted.

From her mother's tone, Mu Jin could clearly feel her helplessness and headache, and felt pity and distress at once.

Father is not in Beijing. Although the elder brother is valued by the fourth master now, it will take at least ten years to truly establish authority and grasp the power that people dare not despise.

After becoming a noble concubine by myself, the family suddenly became the most eye-catching upstart family in the capital. It is normal for people to be stalked, jealous, and calculated.

Mu Jin sighed: "Mother, brother and sister-in-law have worked so hard!"

Mrs. Luo smiled and patted her hand lightly: "It's not that hard, you, don't worry about us, as long as you are good, everything is fine."

Mu Jin's heart warmed, and she smiled and said, "Don't rush to decide on the fourth brother's marriage. He is still young and has plenty of time to choose slowly. Our family doesn't need other people to add icing on the cake. We must choose a good-natured one who can be with his sister-in-law." , Second sister-in-law get along well. Those who are in a rush, it’s not that I’m rude, so it’s rare to have anything good.”

Mrs. Luo nodded and smiled, "Your brother and I think the same way."

"As for the other families," Mu Jin said, "Our family just communicates as usual. If there is anything really embarrassing, mother will discuss it with the two elder brothers and send someone to Lama Temple."

Mrs. Luo was determined, she quickly nodded and said yes, but when she came back to her senses, she hesitated: "This will not embarrass you, will it?"

Mu Jin shook her head with a smile: "Don't worry, mother, it won't happen, I have a measure."

She is pampered and protected by the fourth master, whoever dares to scheme against her family, the fourth master will naturally not forgive her lightly.

Mrs. Luo was completely relieved at this moment, started talking and laughing, and ordered the kitchen to make lunch again.

Only then did Mu Jin realize that it was getting late, she quickly got up and said with a smile: "Mother, don't be too busy, I will come back next time, next time, mother, leave some food, I have to go first."

Mrs. Luo was stunned for a moment, and a great reluctance suddenly surged in her heart, she hurriedly said, "How long have you been here? Why are you leaving now?"

She couldn't help taking a look at Mu Jin, and then realized that Mu Jin's outfit was quite homely, and even the servants brought Xiaotao alone, and she was even more surprised: "You are, this is—"

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