Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2340 Inseparable

Pregnancy and childbirth together with confinement and physical recovery, a year's work is all right, if she doesn't watch and watch closely, wouldn't it be miserable if someone takes advantage of her loopholes?

Once this kind of thing is torn open, the consequences may be out of control.

Preventing problems before they happen cannot be relaxed.

At this time, he is a delicious piece of meat in the harem, and everyone wants to take a bite! Not to mention the concubines, I'm afraid that the pretty palace ladies will be moved.

After all, during the reign of Lord Kangxi, there were quite a few court ladies in high positions. It is better to become a master in one leap, even if it is only a permanent and noble person, it is better than being a slave.

If you give birth to a boy and a half girl, you will be more prosperous, rich and stable in the second half of your life.

For example, Concubine De was just a court lady back then, looking at her current blessing, who wouldn't envy her?

The fourth master laughed immediately, but Jin'er of his family didn't hide it at all, he just liked this kind of frankness, and didn't feel that she was jealous or unvirtuous at all.

"Why don't I come? I can't leave Jin'er!" The fourth master hugged her and kissed her pitifully, holding the delicate and soft beloved woman in his arms, but she still clings to him so tenderly and pitifully. Grandpa couldn't bear to leave.

He simply said: "Forget it, I will stay here to rest tonight. Su Peisheng, go and get the booklet. But Jin'er needs to go to bed early."

Mu Jin was overjoyed, nodded again and again, and then said softly: "There are some things that my concubine should not talk about, but there is no one else here, and this concubine is just presumptuous in front of the emperor. The morning time is also a bit too early, and it will be delayed by two or three quarters of an hour." The emperor can also rest for a while, and the old ministers are also more convenient, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds. Why does it have to be so early?"

When these words came out of Mu Jin's mouth, Fourth Master naturally wouldn't blame her, and only smiled when he heard the words: "I know that Jin'er loves me, but how can this ancestral rule be easily changed?"

Mu Jin thought for a while, then smiled and said: "You can take it slowly, why not wait until winter, when it's time to go to bed early, I think everyone will not object."

In winter, the morning is extremely cold, and it gets dark late. They are all mortal bodies. How many people are willing to get up from the warm bed early in the morning.

It is expected that few people would object to changing the time of the morning morning in winter.

Even if there are three or four old and stubborn opponents, there are many people who agree.

Fourth Master thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I'll think about it, and I can spend more time with Jin'er."

Mu Jin blushed, and hugged him coquettishly: "The concubine is not because of this, the concubine loves the emperor's dragon body!"

The fourth master laughed happily, "Well, then I'm making this lunch for this!"

Mu Jin made him laugh out loud.

Not long after, Su Peisheng brought the box containing the memorial, and Fourth Master disposed of it in Mu Jin's small study.

Mu Jin wanted to serve the pen and ink by the side, how could Fourth Master let her stand?

He hugged him and let him sit on the couch not far away, and asked him to prepare tea and snacks: "Jin'er just sit here with me for a while, and go to bed early later."

Mu Jin frowned and nodded in response.

In less than half an hour, fourth master raised his head from the notebook and ordered someone to send her to bed.

Mu Jin was a little reluctant.

Seeing this, the fourth master sighed resignedly, took her into his arms and accompanied her back to the dormitory, saw her lying down, leaned over and kissed her, and said with a smile: "You can't leave me like this? Huh?"

Mu Jin tugged at his clothes, nodded, and smiled silly.

It's a new week, sisters, please ask for tickets!

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