Such a broken mouth, still want to be pampered? The emperor hates gossips the most.

The Queen felt uncomfortable, but she would not really punish Ning Guiren for complaining about Mu Jin.

Keep Ning Guiren, even if this woman is stupid and useless and can't do anything, but it's good to make Mu Jin feel upset when she sees her.

Ning Guiren's heart moved when he heard the Queen's words, his eyes flickered, and he quickly bowed his head and said respectfully: "Yes, my concubine respectfully obeys the Queen's instructions!"

The queen snorted, "Be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth, be careful, don't have any quarrels between sisters, harmony and friendship in the six palaces are the most important, your majesty, but you hate quarrels the most."

Everyone saluted in unison: "Yes, Empress Empress!"

"It's all gone!" The queen waved her hands, helped Nanny Wu, and left gracefully surrounded by a group of court ladies and eunuchs.

Before walking far, she felt dizzy, her eyes were black, and her feet almost staggered. Mammy Wu hurriedly supported her, and said in a worried voice: "Master"

The queen settled her steps, took a few deep breaths, and after slowing down, she shook her head lightly with a pale face: "It's okay, let's go."

The queen supported Nanny Wu, almost her entire body weight was on Nanny Wu, she walked slowly step by step.

The court ladies and eunuchs who followed were all a little surprised, but no one dared to talk or guess anything, so they had to slow down and slowly surrounded the queen and went to Zhongcui Palace.

In Yikun Palace, Mu Jin had no time to do anything else, so she said coquettishly to Fourth Master: "The emperor is a bully, and when you rewarded my concubine with those East Pearls, you already planned to enshrine my concubine as imperial concubine, right? My concubine is so miserable!"

The fourth master laughed loudly, kissed her on the face and said, "I just wanted to give Jin'er a surprise. How about it? Is it a surprise today?"

With crooked eyebrows and rippling smiles, Mu Jin nodded without hesitation, "Naturally, I was pleasantly surprised, but my concubine never expected it."

For a while, I couldn't care less about settling accounts and questioning, and I was very lacking in position.

The fourth master was in a happy mood: "Jin'er should be pleasantly surprised! This is what you deserve, not today, when the child is born, I will also be promoted, but now it's just a little earlier."

He lightly stroked her lower abdomen, and said with a smile: "As soon as possible, the little ancestor in my stomach will be happy, and it will save some troubles, and Jin'er and Zhen will have a better life."

Mu Jin didn't expect him to have such naive thoughts, so she covered her mouth and chuckled, "The emperor is wise! The little ancestor in this concubine's belly must have felt the love of his emperor Ama. Be good, and I will also be good today." No courtiers or concubines."

Fourth Master smiled gratifiedly: "Yes, I said it must be useful."

Mu Jin: ""

The concubine is just blowing rainbow farts, flattering and flattering you, you are so confident, how can you ask the concubine to answer? ?

Having nothing to say, Mu Jin had no choice but to use her trump card, her smile became brighter and more charming: "Your Majesty is wise!"

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Fourth master nodded her nose and joked with a smile: "My little flatterer."

Mu Jin threw herself into his arms with a smile. With her level, there was nothing she could hide from him.

After laughing for a while, Fourth Master hugged her across the bed and gently placed her on the kang, pulled the thin blanket to cover her chest: "Jin'er must be tired today, take a good rest."

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