Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2353 Concubine Yihuang, what do you think

The queen bowed to Concubine De, and said respectfully with a smile: "The concubine is ashamed. I never, never thought that it is the concubine's fault to bother Er Niang. When the concubine returns, I will choose a few good ones. Send it to the emperor, and see if it might catch the emperor's eyes."

"The empress is virtuous, after all, she is the emperor's virtuous wife, and the emperor cannot live without you in the harem!" Concubine De was quite satisfied with the empress's attitude, and the corners of her lips could not help showing a smile from the bottom of her heart.

Every time the Queen spoke to her respectfully, Concubine De always had the feeling that she was the Queen Mother, and this feeling made her feel very comfortable.

"It's just that you are young, and you have only entered the palace not long ago. You are biased in your understanding of the people in the palace. After you have selected someone, you will send it to Shoukang Palace first, and let me have a look and check."

Concubine De said earnestly and earnestly: "The emperor has just ascended the throne, and there are many government affairs, and he has to deal with all kinds of problems. The affairs in the harem must not bother him any more. If you choose one to be favored, you will be crazy and worry about it." Yes, wouldn't it bury the root of disaster?"

The queen was very reluctant, but Concubine De spoke bluntly. How could she dare to say "no"?

Instead, he forced a smile on his face, and said with a smiling face: "What Er Niang taught is that you are an elder, and you have a lot of things to go through. With you in charge, the concubines can feel more at ease. But, please trouble Er Niang worried"

Concubine De smiled: "What's the trouble? This palace is also for the good of the emperor!"

The queen continued to laugh: "Emiang cares about the emperor, and the emperor knows it in his heart, and he is very filial to Emiang."

Mu Jin: ""

Listening to the two of them blowing rainbow farts to each other is very boring.

He said in his heart that thanks to the emperor's toughness, once he made up his mind, he made it firmly, and no one could change it easily.

If he is also like the queen, he really failed Lord Kangxi's good intentions.

Naturally, Concubine De would not let Mu Jin go. After bragging with the queen, she turned to look at Mu Jin in a happy mood, and said with a smile, "Imperial Concubine Yi, what do you think?"

Mu Jin smiled and bowed her body: "What the queen said is naturally very reasonable."

Anyway, she is a member of the emperor's harem, and only the queen can control her. What the queen said is naturally reasonable. As for Concubine De, I call you Erniang because you are the birth mother of the fourth master. The affairs in the palace, especially the affairs around the fourth master, have the empress ready, but there is no reason for it to be the concubine's turn to intervene.

Mu Jin really couldn't understand why the queen was so afraid of Concubine De? Concubine De praised: Is "filial piety" really that important?

Mu Jin's words made Concubine De quite unhappy, she raised her eyebrows, and said with a light smile: "Emperor Yi also agrees, that's very good."

"Okay, I've been rambling on for a long time, and I'm tired. I think it's time for Imperial Concubine Yi to go back and have a good rest, so let's all retreat."

The queen breathed a sigh of relief and led everyone to get up and leave, and they all left together.

After leaving Shoukang Palace, everyone said goodbye to each other and went back to the palace.

Mu Jin went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation first. Unexpectedly, the fourth master was telling the story that the thirteenth master and the fourteenth master were talking in the study room. She couldn't go and disturb her, so she asked Li Yugui to tell him later, saying that she had returned from Shoukang Palace. I'm back, now I'm going back to Yikun Palace to rest

Li Yugui quickly responded with a smile, and then graciously sent Mu Jin out. Seeing that her master and servant had gone far, she turned back.

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