Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2358 choose someone for the emperor

Grandma Wu selected six people, including Dong Jiayanrong and Su Kecha Jiayi.

It was almost everyone's consensus that Su Kecha Jiayi was selected, but Dong Jiayanrong——

Not to mention the low exclamation of the maids, even she herself raised her head in astonishment, with an expression of disbelief.

But Nanny Wu knew in her heart that the queen was better than nothing, so she tried to include such a pitiful looking one.

Being stupid also has its advantages, being stupid and pitiful, maybe the emperor just takes pity on him?

These six people have very distinctive personal characteristics, which one might be the one that the emperor likes?

After choosing someone, Grandma Wu gave her a wink, and the others were asked by the little eunuch to take them out, and the queen rewarded each of them with a purse, and asked them to go back to their respective errands.

The six people who were picked out, Mammy Wu informed the queen, and immediately led them to Shoukang Palace.

Concubine De has been waiting for these two days, she finally saw Wu Momo leading the people, she finally felt at ease, and said lightly: "The queen has worked hard these two days, let's bring everyone in!"

Grandma Wu smiled and passed the six of them in, lined up in front of Concubine De.

The six people greeted each other, and Concubine De glanced over and nodded slightly, quite satisfied. The queen chose her carefully. These six people are good-looking, young and pleasing to the eye.

I don't believe that the emperor would look down on any of them.

According to Concubine De's opinion, the more such things the better, it would be best to send these to the emperor, but she knew her son's temper, if he gave too much, it would easily arouse her disgust.

So I pointed out two more and said they were inappropriate, and asked Nanny Wu to take the other four back, and stayed in Zhongcui Palace to teach them to learn the rules for two or three days, and then asked the queen to send them to the emperor.

After seeing off Nanny Wu, Concubine De was a little happy, and chatted with Aunt Qiu about those court ladies.

A sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl who was standing beside her, wearing a pink embroidered cheongsam of exquisite workmanship, listened, her face became more and more unsightly, and finally she couldn't bear to complain: "Auntie, you asked the queen to take those The maid is sending it to the emperor, so what should I do? Can the emperor still see me?"

Earlier, Concubine De had sent a message to her natal brothers and sister-in-law, asking to pick a girl from Wu Ya's family who was close to her family, with outstanding looks and a better temper, and send her to the palace.

When the Wuya clan heard the news, it was a sensation, and everyone was excited.

What is the purpose of sending people into the palace at this time, who can be confused?

Concubine De's sister-in-law was so heartbroken, she hated herself why she didn't have a daughter? If he gave birth to a daughter, how could he take advantage of others!

This girl, Wu Ya Fanglan, was sent by Wu Ya's family.

Concubine De ordered Aunt Qiu to explain to her the rules of the palace and the affairs of the masters in the harem. Wuya Fanglan is proud of her beauty and has always been high-spirited. Now that she is selected to enter the palace, and with the support of the emperor's mother-in-law, she is even more arrogant , I feel that I will definitely stand out.

Even though he hasn't seen the face of the most favored concubine Yihuang in the palace yet, in his heart, he is already a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers. He can't wait to have a duel with Mu Jin, and feels that he is very sure of winning.

I am several years younger than her, and she has given birth to a child, so what can I compare with myself? "

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