Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2361 Who knew she underestimated Concubine De

Concubine De brought her natal niece into the palace at this time, it would definitely not be as simple as being with her to relieve boredom.

"Presumptuous!" Concubine De was furious, and scolded Wu Ya Fanglan with a cold face: "Don't kneel down and plead guilty to Imperial Concubine Yi!"

This girl has a temper, and she doesn't know how to accept it. It seems that she has indulged her too much these days, so that she doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth.

This Mu family is also a hateful person, even if she doesn't know who she is, could it be possible that she didn't see her dressed like this standing beside her? How much can you guess?

It's good for her, she just scolded and questioned her like this, after all, she didn't take herself as a concubine seriously.

Seeing that her aunt was really angry, Wuya Fanglan shuddered in fright, hurriedly knelt down, bowed her head and said: "The emperor, the imperial concubine, forgive me, this servant, this servant knows my mistake."

Mu Jin said coldly: "This palace is a place that pays attention to rules. Since you call Er Niang an aunt, you must know the etiquette and abide by the rules. Otherwise, Er Niang will lose face! Fortunately, there are no outsiders here at the moment. Gong is not a fussy person either. Get up!"

Wu Yafanglan hated in her heart, gritted her teeth and thanked her: "Yes, this servant will follow the teachings of the imperial concubine, thank you, the imperial concubine."

Concubine De's face almost turned blue when she also called Mu Jin, this is, this is scolding her around the corner! She really ate the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard!

Concubine De wanted to scold Mu Jin severely, but she couldn't find any reason.

She absolutely refused to admit her failure, so she could only think bitterly, she is pregnant now, and she is an elder, so she doesn't care about her. Pregnant women, they have always had a bad temper

Concubine De slowly opened her mouth and said: "What the imperial concubine said is true, this girl must not treat the imperial concubine as an outsider, so she speaks so bluntly, now that she has learned her lesson, she will naturally not dare to do so in the future. However, what she said is not unreasonable. You are pregnant now, Mu Jin, so naturally everything is focused on the child in your womb. How can you stay with the emperor at such a time? It’s time to call the palace maids to attend the bed.”

"The emperor is busy with political affairs every day, and there is no one around him to take good care of him. After all, he is not decent. Don't you think so?"

Mu Jin smiled: "What Er Niang said is naturally reasonable."

"It's good if you know." Concubine De cast a glance at Wu Ya Fanglan, and said to Mu Jin lightly: "Well, you go back today and take Wu Ya Fanglan back home, this girl is cheerful and lively, and she has good manners. , maybe it can make the emperor happy, serve the emperor well, and when the emperor goes to Yikun Palace, let her serve the emperor!"

Wu Yafanglan lowered her head shyly, feeling very proud in her heart.

I thought to myself, although my appearance is a little bit worse than this imperial concubine Yihuang, but the emperor may not look down on me. When I am favored, why is she so crazy?

For her baby, it would be better to give birth to a little princess!

Mu Jin's heart sank: ""

After Wuya Fanglan called out "Auntie", Mu Jin guessed a thing or two, but she originally thought that Concubine De wanted her to speak well in front of Fourth Master and recommend Wuya Fanglan to Fourth Master.

Who knows that she underestimated Concubine De.

They not only want her to introduce someone to the emperor, but also put him to live in her Yikun Palace, and she is required to be responsible for sending him to the emperor's dragon bed!

What he said was high-sounding: I am pregnant, so I can't wrong the emperor, the emperor has to be served by someone

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