Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2363 My master is really big-hearted

In the East Nuan Pavilion of the main hall of Yikun Palace, Nanny Yan couldn't help frowning: "What do you plan to do with a master like Concubine De?"

Mu Jin snorted lightly, "Let's do it! Otherwise, how can Concubine De give up?"

Mama Yan sighed.

Mu Jin complained in her heart, the emperor is like a piece of delicious braised pork, everyone wants to take a bite!

Mu Jin was sleepy after lunch, but after dealing with Concubine De, she was even sleepier now, covering her mouth and yawning while talking to Nanny Yan, saying that she should sleep first.

Let's talk about everything when we wake up.

Mother Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she thought that her master was really big-hearted, and she was still thinking about sleeping now!

Sometimes Yanmao really doesn't understand, she doesn't understand where her master's confidence in the emperor comes from

Mu Jin didn't wake up until it was almost dinner time.

Lazily washing his face and rinsing his mouth, he asked the two children. Well, the two little ones are probably tired from playing in the imperial garden today, and their nap time is a bit late, they can sleep better than her, and they haven't woken up yet.

Mu Jin thought for a while, and then told Qiaomai: "Go to Dongkua Yard and tell the nanny that the fourth elder brother and Er Gege have dinner for themselves, so don't come over for dinner tonight."

That Miss Wu Ya, relying on Concubine Youde's backing, doesn't even look down on her, Yi Huang Gui Concubine. If the Emperor comes over for dinner today, maybe she will run out and cause trouble. Where are the two children going? not too good.

Although Mu Jin promised that Concubine De would introduce Miss Wu Ya to the emperor, but it seems that Miss Wu Ya may not trust her, she has big ideas, maybe she will introduce herself before she introduces her. run out.

If she insisted on running out by herself, Mu Jin would never let anyone stop her.

If it was blocked, maybe he would complain to Concubine De and cry as soon as he turned his head, saying that he deliberately blocked her from seeing the emperor.

She wanted to see what the emperor would think of her if she made up her own mind and thought she was smart.

Mu Jin couldn't help but secretly hoped that Wu Ya Fanglan would be stupid.

After a while, fourth master came over.

Hearing the little eunuch's clear and slender voice calling "The emperor is here -", Mu Jin's reflexive eyes brightened and his lips curled into a smile, and he quickly held Buckwheat's hand and led the court ladies and eunuchs to welcome him out.

"Your Majesty is here!" Mu Jin stepped forward with a smile, and Fourth Master had already held her hand with a smile, and looked at her: "You look good today, but your eyes are still a little ignorant, have you just woken up?"

Mu Jin shyly said, "The emperor is wise, you can't hide anything from the emperor."

The fourth master laughed loudly, "One day I won't listen to Jin'er's praise of her wisdom, I will never pass this day!"

Mu Jin couldn't help but giggle too.

"Let's go, let's go into the house." The fourth master smiled and gently embraced Mu Jin, and looked at her, eyes met, both of them were full of affection.

Unexpectedly, the two of them hadn't walked a few steps when a young girl in a pink embroidered cheongsam with two gold hairpins on her head ran over with a little girl and knelt down in front of the fourth master: "Slave Wu Ya's Fang Lan, here's to you!" Your Majesty, please be well, Your Majesty is auspicious!"

The fourth master was startled, subconsciously put his arms around Mu Jin halfway behind him, and frowned.

Su Peisheng was also taken aback, he glanced at the woman nervously, and hesitated before going forward.

This is Yikun Palace, he didn't know the relationship between this woman and the imperial concubine, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

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