Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2369 At this point, she is not brainless

After the flag is raised, although it is still the identity of the coat, but the coat is also different from the coat.

Some are masters, others are slaves.

Therefore, the nieces of Concubine De's natal family are still not eligible to participate in the draft, and they can only participate in the selection of court ladies.

Concubine De may have felt ashamed. After the fourth master gained power, she went up and down, so she made accommodations through the Ministry of Internal Affairs and made some superficial articles, basically exempting nieces from natal families who are closer in blood from running for the palace maid.

The Qing Dynasty strictly controlled the selection of noble ladies from the Eight Banners, and there was much more room for manipulation in the selection of court ladies.

Therefore, Wuya Fanglan did not run for the maid of honor.

She has always been beautiful, a beautiful woman with an immeasurable future, maybe she will fly to a branch? In addition, the Manchu people always value their aunts, so when she is at home, she is very pampered.

This also made her develop the ability to be brainless and arrogant, to add fuel to the story, and to sue the best.

In this regard, she is not ignorant.

At this moment, Concubine De was asking, and the "truth" that came out of her mouth was all Mu Jin's fault.

"The imperial concubine arranged for me to live in a remote palace in Xikuayuan, and even sent guards to watch me. She didn't mention me to the emperor at all. It was I who managed to run out to beg the emperor and greet the emperor. She said in a low voice, I Didn't hear what she said to the emperor, the emperor, the emperor's face changed after hearing this, ordered me to kneel in the yard, she said she was pregnant and dragged the emperor into the palace again I brought you back here"

"Aunt," Wu Ya Fanglan was convinced by herself, she was filled with righteous indignation and burst into tears: "The imperial concubine has a high vision, she doesn't look down on her niece and daughter at all, she looks at people from the corner of her eyes! Didn't you see her vicious, flattering, flattering face in front of the emperor?" She is so flattering and flattering, I wish the emperor could just watch over her and never see others! She is clearly pregnant, but she still wants to bully the emperor."

"It's fine if she doesn't sow discord and harm my niece, how can she help my niece!"

Concubine De slapped her side heavily, and said bitterly: "I know she is not a good person!"

In fact, Wuya Fanglan's words are full of loopholes and cannot stand scrutiny at all. Concubine De can find the loopholes with a little effort.

However, what Wuya Fanglan said was exactly what she suspected in her heart. She didn't trust Mu Jin that much in the first place. She naturally believed what Wuya Fanglan said without hesitation.

Wu Ya Fanglan hurriedly said: "Aunt, then, what should I do now? That imperial concubine is really hateful, Auntie, don't let her go!"

Concubine De glanced at Wuya Fanglan, expressionless.

That bitch Mu Jin, of course she won't let her off easily. Even if he can't do anything to her now that she is pregnant, he will definitely make a note of it.

wait and see

As for Wuya Fanglan - this idiot, it's useless to stay, let's send her away tomorrow.

The emperor loathes her so much and speaks so unfeelingly, he will definitely not keep her.

This son is so unfilial, ruthless, and refuses to let her be his mother-in-law, what can she do?

Concubine De felt sad and indignant, secretly saddened.

Instead, she gave up the idea of ​​finding someone from her natal family to enter the palace.

Just look at Wuya Fanglan and you will know that there is no girl in Wuya's family who can afford it.

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