Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2379 Ning Gui is a little gloating

The emperor fell in love with a court lady, and the news that Chang Zai was sealed soon spread throughout the harem.

Moreover, the emperor gave the maid to live in Yikun Palace.

Jing Guiren and Ning Guiren were secretly jealous, even if they hated Emperor Yihuang and Concubine Yi in their hearts, they actually wanted to live in Yikun Palace.

Not to mention anything else, the chances of seeing the emperor living in Yikun Palace must be much more than in other places!

Unexpectedly, it was cheaper than a court lady who appeared from nowhere.

However, now that the emperor bestowed him a residence in Yikun Palace, how could Huang Guifei feel comfortable watching him sit in bed? From this point of view, the emperor doesn't seem to be that kind to the imperial concubine Yihuang.

Ning Guiren thought gloatingly.

With the appointment of a newcomer, Fourth Master naturally rested in Yikun Palace that night.

Everyone only thought that Yan Chang must be serving the bed. How could they have thought that the emperor would always be by the side of Emperor Yi and his concubine?

The next day, Yan Changzai came over to greet Mu Jin.

Mu Jin smiled and said, "I don't need to come here anymore. If there is something to do, I will send someone to find you. If you are bored, then go out and visit the Imperial Garden."

"Yes, imperial concubine." Yan Chang was kneeling and responded softly.

Mu Jin glanced at her, feeling a little complicated.

Yan Changzai is different from others, Fourth Master deliberately picked it out for himself to attract the fire and block the guns. Fourth master is the emperor, so he can face it calmly, and he feels a little guilty in his heart.

She thought, if Yan Chang kept in mind the warning and lived his life honestly and honestly, and stayed for a few years, if she wanted to, it would be okay to find another way out for her.

"Last night was Yan Changzai's big day. Later, we will go to Zhongcui Palace to greet the Empress. When the Queen asks a question, Yan Changzai should not be nervous and answer carefully."

Yan Chang's heart jumped violently, and said in a low voice: "Yes, Imperial Concubine."

Mu Jin led her to Zhongcui Palace, arriving neither early nor late.

Originally, today is not a day to ask for peace, but Yan Chang "served the bed" yesterday, and today he has to go to pay homage to the queen, how can everyone let go of this excitement? They all came.

As soon as the two of them entered, they looked at Chao Yanchang in unison.

Where did Yan Chang pass through such scenes? She was so frightened that she subconsciously wanted to hide behind Mu Jin.

Everyone: ""

Everyone was a little bit disappointed in their hearts, thinking that the emperor took a fancy to such an outstanding person, but looking at this reserved look, I really don't know what to do.

The appearance is not bad, but no matter how good she is, she is far from the concubine Yihuang. Could it be that the emperor likes her appearance?

All of a sudden, the queen came from the back of the bedroom surrounded by a group of maids and eunuchs, and everyone got up quickly.

The queen sat down, and everyone asked for peace and sat down.

The queen looked at Yan Changzai, saw that she was still sitting there nervously with her head down, and smiled slightly, "I heard that the emperor reported that Yan Changzai was serving the bed yesterday, congratulations Yan Changzai."

Dong Jiayan stood up quickly: "Thank you, empress!"

He said that he knelt down respectfully and saluted the queen.

The queen smiled and said: "You can tell that you have a stable personality, young and beautiful, and a good temper. No wonder the emperor fell in love with you at the first sight. From now on, you must serve the emperor with your heart! You must serve Emperor Yi and Concubine Yi more."

Dong Jiayan lowered her head and said yes.

The queen smiled, "Get up, sit down and talk!"

Then he said to everyone: "From now on, Yan Changzai will be our sister too. In the future, we will only have more and more sisters. We must get along well with each other, and we must never be jealous. The six palaces are harmonious, and I am very pleased." , the emperor also likes it. But you remember it all?"

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