Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2383 ten blessings enter the palace

Brother Nian and Sisi usually don't have any playmates of the same age, and they are barely acquainted with Hongxuan. Of course they are happy when their younger brother is here, and they take him to play in the Imperial Garden.

Mu Jin smiled at Shi Fujin: "This kid Hongxuan is good-looking and has a good temper. He is always so cheerful all day long. People like to feel distressed when they see him! He must be a blessed one when he grows up."

There was a motherly smile on Shi Fujin's face: "Your Majesty, you are still praising him. You don't know that this child is just like his Ama. He has a foolish and solid eyes. He can be with anyone who gives him a bite." Let's go, ah, the concubine doesn't know how to teach me! Every time Jiu Ye goes to our house, he always brings him a new style of cake made by Jinxin Pastry, and every time he teases him and asks him to follow him They all happily agreed again and again, without even a little hesitation! In his eyes, Ama Erniang is not as good as even a piece of pastry!"

These words made Mu Jin and Nanny Yan laugh.

Mu Jin laughed and said: "How old is he, how do you know this? I think he is good, simple-minded, and good-natured. It's not a bad thing to like to eat, it's also a blessing! It's just that he is still young. , candy and other things, don't let him eat as much as possible, eating too much of those things is not good for the body."

Shi Fujin nodded and smiled, "What the empress said is true, the concubine will pay attention to it in the future."

Ten Fujin said with some envy: "The fourth elder brother of the empress is so obedient, sensible and intelligent. The empress can teach the ministers and concubines, and the ministers and concubines can also teach and teach the little fool in our family. It is impossible to be so stupid. In the future Telling people to sell it and making fun of it!"

Mu Jin couldn't help laughing, and scolded with a smile: "What nonsense, how can you talk about people like this! Don't make such a joke in front of him, and make him sad."

Shi Fujin didn't take it seriously, "He's such a small guy, what can he understand?"

Mu Jin disagreed, "It's not too young, why doesn't he understand anything? I can see that he understands everything, he can play by himself, he can say what he wants, he knows what he likes and doesn't like, this is Still do not know?"

Shi Fujin thought for a while, then smiled: "It seems, it seems to make sense."

Both of them laughed.

When it comes to raising children, the mother-in-law has a lot to say as soon as she opens the chatter box, and she can't get tired of talking.

In addition, the two have always been on good terms, chatting and gossiping together is really gossip, there is no need to play tricks or play tricks, it is really relaxing, and there are endless things to talk about.

Ten Fujin suddenly changed the subject, glanced at Mu Jin and said, "I heard that the emperor has granted him a permanent presence, and he will live in your empress's Yikun Palace. Is that person easy to get along with?"

Mu Jin couldn't help laughing: "It's only been a few days, and all this has been spread outside the palace?"

Shi Fujin curled his lips and rolled his eyes, and said sarcastically, "That's right, there are a lot of people who are idle and bored, so they just inquire here and there all day. The concubine heard about it at Jiusao's house yesterday."

Mu Jin's heart warmed up, and she smiled at her, so, she heard about it yesterday and was worried about herself, so she came into the palace to talk with herself today?

"Don't worry," Mu Jin smiled softly, "That's an honest man, with a good temper and a good job, I'm fine."

"Really?" Shi Fujin was somewhat skeptical, and said again: "Your Majesty, if you have something to say, don't keep it in your heart, tell it to your concubine, it will make you feel better."

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