Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2386 Provocation

Brother Nian and brother didn't like the third elder brother in the first place, after all there was a big difference in age, and the third elder brother never gave them a good face.

After the greeting, the three of them still played with each other, and ignored the third elder brother.

The third elder brother didn't know which tendon was wrong, so he insisted on provoking the younger sister and the younger brother, and said something like that "on a whim".

It is said that when the child in the imperial concubine's womb is born, she will only love the younger son, and will not love them any more. At that time, all the delicious and fun things will be given to the younger son. If there is no share for them, the room they live in may have to be vacated Let the younger son live, let the two of them live in the elder brother's house

The nanny and the people who followed hurriedly interrupted the third elder brother, but asked the third elder brother to scold and scold him.

Brother Nian and Sisi were so angry that they yelled at him to refute him.

The third elder brother saw that Brother Nian and Sisi were screaming loudly, but in fact they clearly believed it, and they were obviously panicked, so they were even more proud and added fuel to the flames.

Even the words "Your mother-in-law won't want you two anymore!"

It finally made the younger sister and younger brother cry.

The third elder brother only thought it was funny, and when he felt a strong anger in his heart, he laughed triumphantly beside him.

Brother Nian and Sisi were furious and called him a "big villain". The younger sister and brother directed the geese to attack the third elder brother, telling them to "bite the big villain!"

They have raised this flock of white geese for many years, and commanding them is extremely smooth. Immediately, the geese screamed uh uh uh, besieging the third elder brother viciously.

To say that geese are really cruel and clever little animals, six big white geese with strong bodies and flexible movements rushed up, and the third elder brother was caught off guard, not to mention how badly he was pecked by the geese. There is no way to escape.

He also brought two young eunuchs with him, but the two young eunuchs were all dumbfounded when they first saw him being besieged by geese. When they came back to their senses and wanted to help, how could Xiaodouzi let them go?

In my heart, I hated the third elder brother for being unkind, and kept begging him to stop, but instead he scolded people, saying how dare a slave interrupt him? Don't insist on those who made my little master cry so pitifully.

Don't dare to touch him or his minions?

So he pretended to drag and stopped the two little eunuchs.

Stopped and stopped and started fighting. At the same time, he was busy sending people back to Yikun Palace to report to the master.

And then, for some reason, Concubine Qi came over first after getting the news, she was furious and yelling at her, and her master also came

Mu Jin sneered, and stared at the third elder brother coldly: "Third elder brother, what Xiaodouzi said is the truth?"

Concubine Qi said angrily: "Imperial Concubine, so what if that is the case. The third elder brother just joked with the fourth elder brother and Er Gege, but they drove the geese to bully the third elder brother. The third elder brother is their elder brother. Is it reasonable to disrespect elder brother like this?"

"The imperial concubine, don't bother raising the baby, you should also pay attention to teaching Si elder brother and Er Gege on weekdays!"

"I don't have Concubine Qi's turn to teach me. Who doesn't praise Si elder brother or Er Gege? Even the emperor is full of praise! Concubine Qi thinks it's just a joke? If someone talks to third elder brother Said, Concubine Qi despises the third elder brother for being worthless and doesn't want him anymore. She only wants to give birth to another child and teach her carefully since childhood. Concubine Qi also thinks such words are just a joke? Concubine Qi doesn't care?"

2388 Concubine Qi has no idea

"If Concubine Qi says yes, then the whole palace will say so, Concubine Qi, don't complain!"

"You——" Concubine Qi was so angry that her facial features became hideous, and she glared at Mu Jin, "What is the meaning of the imperial concubine? Are you going to spread such rumors all over the palace?"

Mu Jin's words made her feel distressed for no reason. If anyone dares to tell her third elder brother like that, she will never forgive her.

But she couldn't say those words, she just slapped her own mouth.

Mu Jin sneered: "Since it's a joke, if it spreads all over the palace, then it's just a joke between Mangong and Concubine Qi, so I have to worry about it? Concubine Qi is too petty! As a concubine Concubine, can't even take a joke?"

Concubine Qi: ""

Although speechless, what should I do if I am so angry? Mu's bitch, as always, is sharp-tongued, upside-down and robbing others.

"Even so, but the fourth elder brother and the others drove the geese to besiege the third elder brother, what would the imperial concubine say? The third elder brother was frightened and injured, I won't let it go like this!"

Mu Jin said coldly: "Si elder brother and Er Gege have been raising geese for many years, don't you know Concubine Qi? When did they drive away the geese to besiege anyone? They have never even played tricks on slaves! This is the first time today." What! Which is right and which is wrong, does Concubine Qi have no idea in her heart?"

"How old are the third elder brothers and how old are they? They can distinguish what is a joke from what is not? They are pure-hearted and believe what they say without thinking about it. How can they not be sad? What? Only the third elder brother is allowed. Bullying and teasing people without any cover, why are they not allowed to fight back?"

"Brother San is not young anymore. As the eldest son of the emperor, it's better to act in a more discreet manner in the future."

The third elder brother was furious, and sneered at Mu Jin: "You also know that the Lord is Huang Ama's eldest son? Hmph, even if you are a royal concubine, you are not qualified to discipline the master. It is better for the imperial concubine to say a few words less!"

The fourth master sneered and said, "Really? Then, do I have the right to discipline you? Hmm?"

Everyone was taken aback and hurriedly saluted.

In front of people, Mu Jin has always followed the crowd, so she hastily bowed her knees and blessed herself.

Fourth master stepped forward, reached out and held her arm firmly to support her: "The imperial concubine is pregnant, so there is no need to be polite in the future."

Mu Jin's heart warmed slightly, and her anger subsided, "Yes, my concubine thanks the emperor for his kindness."

Fourth Master patted her hand lightly and let her go.

There is no need to salute in front of the emperor, so naturally there is no need to salute in front of the queen and dowager.

Concubine Qi saw Brother Nian and Sisi pitifully calling "Huang Ama" to go to the fourth master, feeling very anxious, and hurried forward two steps: "Your majesty, you have to make the decision for the third elder brother, fourth elder brother Instructing a group of geese to besiege the third elder brother, such disrespect to elder brother, is really, really out of place."

Fourth Master didn't interrupt Concubine Qi's words, but only looked at her calmly and listened to her finish speaking. Concubine Qi felt inexplicably terrified, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

"Concubine Qi is still the same as before, not making progress." Fourth Master cast a cold glance at her.

Concubine Qi's face turned pale instantly, like falling into an ice cellar.

The emperor's words, these words are too cruel

Her eyes were red, and she held back her tears just now, feeling grief, indignation and grievance in her heart.

As for the third elder brother, when he saw the fourth master, he was like a mouse seeing a cat. His whole body shrank a lot, subconsciously stepped back, and stood there with his head lowered. How could he still be half as arrogant as before?

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