Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2389 The emperor's heart... is too biased

Chapter 2389 the emperor's heart is too biased

The fourth master glanced at Mu Jin: "I'll take you back, let's go. Are you tired? Do you want to pass on the sedan chair?"

Mu Jin shook her head and smiled: "The concubine can go."

Fourth Master nodded.

Seeing this, Shifu Jin felt very regretful, since the emperor wanted to send the imperial concubine back to Yikun Palace, it seemed a bit inappropriate for her to follow.

So he had no choice but to leave, saying that he would go to the palace to visit the imperial concubine next time, and took Hongxuan out of the palace.

Mu Jin was also a little sleepy at the moment, and besides, she had to comfort the two children well, so it was hard to keep her anymore, so she nodded with a smile: "I'll be free some other day, just go to the palace."

Fourth master accompanied Mu Jin to leave, and never looked at Concubine Qi again.

Concubine Qi gritted her teeth with hatred, and stood there stiffly, staring at the backs of Fourth Master and Mu Jin leaving until she couldn't see her, then her legs went limp and she staggered against Yun Shuang, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"It's just a few jokes! So what if you say it? Is it a small piece of meat or something? It's so precious! Both are the emperor's sons, and the emperor is too biased!"

"Master," Nanny Li hurriedly supported her, glanced around subconsciously, and said in a low voice, "Let's go back first. Your Majesty, Your Majesty is also doing it for the sake of the third elder brother. To grind the third elder brother's temper, naturally he will It's more stable, master, you, don't think about it badly."

Concubine Qi smiled sarcastically, said nothing more, and helped Nanny Li to go back slowly.

In Yikun Palace, Mu Jin had someone pour warm water on them, carefully scrubbed the faces of the two children, and comforted them with kind words.

Sisi has not forgotten the words of the third elder brother, her eyelashes were wet, she blinked her eyes, and said pitifully: "Huang Ama, Er Niang, Er Niang has a little brother, don't you, don't you want me to talk to Sisi?" Brother? Er Niang, we are very good, Er Niang, please don’t want us, okay?"

Mu Jin felt sore, and was about to speak, Nian Geer said: "Sister, don't be sad, third brother, third brother are big liars, Huang Ama and Erniang will not want us. The palace is such a big place, isn't it? , It's not that there is no place to live!"

Mu Jin and Fourth Master couldn't laugh or cry, this kid, dare you love him? The reason why Huang Ama and Er Niang didn't want them is because the palace is big enough to live in?

"Third Brother is just joking." Fourth Master pulled the two children over, "Brother Nian is right, the palace is big, and Huang Ama and Erniang have plenty of money, so they need to raise a dozen or dozens more." , Many, many children are fine, so why don't you want Brother Nian and Sisi?"

The eyes of the young lady and the younger brothers lit up because of being fooled, and they seemed to think so deeply.

Mu Jin couldn't help laughing and said: "You can rest assured now? Huang Ama and Er Niang will always love you, what others say is nonsense, Huang Ama and Er Niang only count if they say it!"

The two children nodded, and Sisi threw herself into Mu Jin's arms and hugged her, calling her affectionately, "Er Niang"

Mu Jin's heart was so soft that she hugged her and patted her tenderly, comforting her gently.

Brother San, that bastard!

From Mu Jin's point of view, fourth master's punishment of him like that was simply too light, and he couldn't understand his hatred.

At an age when a child is still young and most dependent on their parents, saying such cruel words is tantamount to stabbing a knife in their heart.

This kind of mental trauma cannot be avoided with a "joke".

Some children are more fragile, sensitive, timid, and have a weaker sense of security. If the parents fail to provide timely counseling afterwards, this kind of trauma is very likely to affect his mental development and ruin his life!

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