"As for the Dongzhu, it was rewarded by the emperor for his meritorious service. A few days ago, his concubines didn't dare to wear such precious things, so they asked people to store them in the warehouse. Uranara said that he wanted to find good gems and jade. Inlaid and made jewelry, I took someone to the warehouse to look for it, who knows I took it out. It was also because the concubine was confused. I didn't pay attention when I went out today, so I didn't see it. If I saw it, I would fight Ulanara is resentful towards Fujin, so he must be stopped! Otherwise, this will be seen by others, how can it be so great?"

"But the concubine never expected that the concubine had given in and tolerated so far. Ulanara Fujin himself made a big mistake, but he opened his mouth and insisted that the concubine framed her. The empress knows!"

Thirteen Fujin knelt down again, and cried out angrily: "She is the queen's sister, how dare the concubine frame her? The concubine has almost confessed her now, so how about the concubine? Ulanara side Fujin opened his mouth to say this, the concubine was wronged, and the concubine can't bear it! Please empress empress, learn from me! If the concubine is to bear this kind of grievance, even if it comes to the emperor and the thirteenth master, the concubine must be clear Say it. I, a daughter of the Zhaojia family, absolutely cannot bear this unclear reputation."

Fuyu was furious, and even more incoherent, she spoke incoherently, and her words were nothing more than an angry scolding in her head: "What are you arguing about! Do you really think I'm stupid? I finally understand it, no wonder you let me do everything for a while, dare you wait here , Dig a hole for me to jump in, you are clearly cheating me! Plotting against me! Zhao Jia, you are not timid to play such tricks in front of my sister."

"Sister, you must make the decision for me! Otherwise, people will think I'm a fool for fun!"

Everyone: ""

The queen's eyes darkened, her chest constricted, and she almost couldn't breathe without fainting. Teeth are about to be shattered, Fuyu is crazy, can she say such things?

Sure enough, Thirteen Fujin cried even more sadly: "Ulanara, since you said that, what exactly do you want me to do? It's not right to control you, or let you go! Simply ask the emperor to issue an order, this Thirteen Fujin You do it! Empress, I beg the empress to depose the concubine, and make the Ulanara family a concubine. It is too difficult for the concubine! I beg the empress to make it happen!"

Seeing this, Fuyu screamed even more angrily, "Who are you showing this look to? There are no outsiders here, so you can see the blind man with winking eyes! If you are really willing to take the position of Fujin, you have the ability to go to ten The third master asked himself to come down, what's the matter with making trouble with my sister? You—"

"Shut up! Shut up! You, you shut up!" The queen was trembling with rage, her chest was throbbing, she was dizzy, panting, and her back was already wet with cold sweat.

She had never been so annoyed by Fuyu before, she glared at her fiercely, Fuyu's face turned yellow because of the sharpness of her eyes, and she stood there in a daze, as if she was stupid.

She, she has never seen her sister treat her like this.

After being dumbfounded, she came back to her senses and burst into tears, crying out of grievance: "Sister, you—"

"Shut up, who is your sister!" The queen gritted her teeth, showing that she was extremely angry: "Call me the queen! You are a side Fujin, who gave you such courage!"


"Kneel down! Say one more word, slap your mouth! I am the empress, and it seems that I don't even need a reason to teach you a ignorant side Fujin."

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