Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2606 Fourth, what does this mean?

"Cement?" Fourth master was taken aback, thinking that this name is really, really um, very popular! It doesn't get any more popular than that.

Jin'er's taste is really beyond words

The fourth master complained in his heart, feeling dissatisfied, but seeing Mu Jin looking at him expectantly, with "Come and praise me!" written all over his pretty face, it's not like he can't say no at all Export.

Thinking about it again, cement and cement are really popular and vivid, and they can barely be regarded as worthy of their names and consistent with their names, so they nodded and smiled: "The name is also appropriate, so let's call it this."

Mu Jin immediately let go of her heart and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, smiling openly and hugging Fourth Master's arm: "The emperor is wise!"

Fourth master doted on her with a low smile, embraced her and kissed her. He is not wise and wise in her mouth every day, and this day will never pass.

The fourth master finally accepted Mu Jin's proposal, and made an order the next day, and set off for Yuanmingyuan to escape the summer heat two days later, tentatively planning to stay for forty days.

The Old Summer Palace was nearby, so all the concubines in the harem went together. For the time being, the chief steward under the empress's hand and Li Yugui, the chief steward of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, were in charge of all matters in the palace, and they decided everything together. The Hall of Mental Cultivation and other stewards of Zhongcui Palace supervised.

As soon as the news spread, everyone was happy and began to pack their luggage.

The fourth master didn't wait for Concubine De to make any fuss, and ordered Su Peisheng to go over and tell: The concubine should go with her. If the concubine doesn't go, the Shoukang Palace will be closed for the time being, so as not to disturb the concubine by the servants in the harem. Concubine, or in case something happens. Wait for everyone to come back from the Old Summer Palace, and then lift it.

In a word, if you go, go, if you don't go, you will be under house arrest in Shoukang Palace. Everyone in Shoukang Palace is not allowed to go out for half a step.

Concubine De's face was terribly dark, and she barely died of anger.

Fourth, what does this mean? Too cruel!

Originally, when Concubine De got the news that all the concubines in the harem were dispatched to stay in Yuanmingyuan for a summer vacation, her heart moved, and she really planned not to go.

The fourth master left with the concubines and princesses, she is the biggest in this palace.

Even before he left, he ordered to explain what was going on in the palace, but she was his direct relative's mother-in-law, so she just took a posture to scold her, and her attitude was tougher, who could do anything to her?

She really didn't believe that any servant dared to go to fourth master to sue her for being a mother.

Whoever dares to do this, even if fourth master believes it for a while, he will definitely feel disgusted later.

After all, she is his own mother.

No one is stupid, what are you doing to provoke the relationship between the emperor and the concubine?

Then, she has more room to play.

It doesn't have to be easy to place people and buy people.

Unexpectedly, he actually forced her to go together.

Listening to what Su Peisheng meant, Concubine De believed that if she didn't leave, Fourth Master would really order to seal Shoukang Palace.

The most important thing is that the Old Summer Palace is very close to the capital, and it takes less than half a day to go back and forth.

Even if he really uses strong means to leave Shoukang Palace, can he stop his people from reporting to Yuanmingyuan?

He could return immediately, and he would have no chance to do anything.

That being the case, why call it so vigorous?

Concubine De was very unhappy and acquiesced to go to the Old Summer Palace together.

On this day, everyone traveled lightly and went out when it was not too hot in the morning. Surrounded by the Imperial Forest Army and guards, they headed for the Old Summer Palace.

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