Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2608 Mu Jin Wants to Cry Without Tears

The fourth master's eyes narrowed suddenly, and his breathing immediately became a little unsteady. When she called out "Your Majesty!" in a delicate voice, how could he bear it? When I got on the boat, I couldn't help but embrace people in my arms and kiss them

Still didn't think it was enough, so he hugged her sideways and entered the cabin. The fragrant furnishings and the ambiguous sweet smell in the air made his mind flutter, and he couldn't bear it if he didn't do something physically.

As a result, the two of them tossed wildly in the cabin of the painting boat for half the night, and fell asleep here very tired.

There is no need to think about the issue of going to court in the garden, the ministers will come to report when they have something to do, and the court will send memorials that need to be dealt with every day.

This time, both of them slept very peacefully, sweetly and soundly, and when they woke up, it was already broad daylight.

Looking at the messy and torn clothes on the ground, recalling last night, Mu Jinrao couldn't help but blush even though she was thick-skinned, and her body was even more limp.

Last night, on a whim, she wanted to play something new to make him happy. Not only did she change her attire, but she also asked someone to prepare some side dishes and wine. rolled sheets.

Unexpectedly, the romantic process in the middle is all a little bit, and only the simple and rough last step is left.

Mu Jin almost wanted to cry but had no tears.

Fourth Master also woke up, wrapped his long arms around her, hugged her into his arms, smiled and kissed her face, smooth shoulders, and white-washed neck, with a satisfied expression, and whispered in her ear: "Aren't Jin'er tired? Why did you wake up so early?"

So early?

Mu Jin felt that this person was talking nonsense with his eyes open. The sun shone in through the window screens, and the boat was docked under the shade of weeping willows, otherwise it would be even more dazzling.

Seeing that he was getting angry again, Mu Jin hurriedly struggled and pushed him lightly: "Don't make trouble! It's not too late, if someone sees it, I will lose all face! I want to go back."

She was about to get up, but just as soon as she moved her body, she fell limply into his arms, her face turned even redder.

The fourth master laughed happily, and kissed her hard on the face, "Hey, how about not wearing a flag dress today? It's fine like last night, I like it very much"

Mu Jin was ashamed and indignant, and said in her heart that the romantic atmosphere she had prepared was gone, and only your simple and rude ones remained. Don't say you like it with satisfaction, the concubine can't bear to listen

Although the concubine originally wanted to hear "very satisfied" from you, but the meaning of "very satisfied" is not what you said at this moment.

"Is that good?" Seeing her silently, Fourth Master smiled and said again: "I asked someone to rush to make a few sets of exquisite Han Chinese dresses, and Jin'er will definitely look beautiful in them."

Mu Jin was also a little moved, looked up at him with watery eyes, finally nodded lightly, "Yes", and hurriedly said: "The concubine wants to go back to the sky, let the concubine go back quickly."

"I'll be with you," the fourth master smiled, hugging Tiwai for a while, then ordered people to punt and go up and down the sky.

Where does Mu Jin have the strength to get out of bed and walk? He dressed neatly, carried her off the boat and went back.

Sister Yan accompanied her with a smile, saying that Si elder brother and Er Gege came to pay their respects in the morning, but the imperial concubine was not there, so the two left first, saying that they came to accompany the imperial concubine for lunch.

Mu Jin nodded, her body was very weak, so she ordered someone to prepare hot water for a bath without going to see her younger son first.

Fourth master wanted to wash with her very much, so let's forget about it in broad daylight! It's better to find some time to go to the hot springs together.

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