Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2624 a slap in the face

The number of people is more or less, after all, it is different from meeting women in the capital, and it is impossible to send people away with a few words.

It is to have a good chat about the daily life - this is to buy people's hearts for the emperor.

The queen didn't know these people well, so she had to cheer up a lot when talking and chatting.

She is a queen, representing the emperor and the royal family, and she must not say wrong things in front of the female relatives.

How could the queen's body, which was like a candle in the wind, endure such exhaustion?

At the beginning, the queen deliberately concealed it, but when she arrived in Yangzhou, she couldn't hold on anymore and couldn't keep it secret.

That day, the queen was receiving the wife and two ladies of the magistrate of Yangzhou, when suddenly the world spun, and she passed out when it was dark, and the scene was in chaos.

The magistrate's wife and the two young ladies turned pale with fright, terrified and at a loss.

When Mu Jin got the news, she hurried over, and Fuyu had already rushed over half a step ahead of her, and was watching the unconscious queen sobbing and crying in front of the couch.

The imperial physician had just arrived, and he was still breathing heavily. Nurse Wu, Nurse Ji, etc. were all anxious when they were nervously taking the pulse for diagnosis.

The magistrate's wife, mother and daughter stood in the corner, not daring to say a word.

How can anyone think of them at this time? Even if Nanny Wu thought about it, she couldn't make up her own mind to make arrangements for them, so she might as well pretend she didn't see it.

As soon as Fuyu saw Mu Jin, her eyes became fierce immediately, and she cursed viciously: "What are you doing here? Seeing my sister like this, does it satisfy your wish? Are you satisfied?"

Everyone was taken aback.

The prefect's wife, mother and daughter were even more stunned.

The two little girls were still young, seeing the excitement, they couldn't help but sneak a look over, their eyes lit up twice, and they quietly pricked up their ears.

The magistrate's wife complained secretly.

If you hear or see this kind of thing, you may be in trouble! She doesn't want to see it at all, okay?

As soon as Mu Jin came in, she saw the three mothers and daughters of the magistrate of Yangzhou, and was about to say something polite, and ordered someone to send them out first, but Fuyu didn't care about it and came with such a bunch of messy words.

Mu Jin stepped forward with a cold face, raised her hand and slapped Fuyu on the face.

The crisp sound knocked Fuyu into a daze.

Fuyu covered her face in shock and anger, tremblingly said: "You, you dare to hit me?"

Mu Jin said coldly: "The empress really spoiled you, lawless, without rules and decency! This palace is the imperial concubine conferred by the emperor, you are a county king, side Fujin, where do you have the courage to speak nonsense? Come on!" , take Ulanara Cei Fujin to the Thirteenth Master and the Thirteenth Fujin, and learn what she just said from the Thirteenth Master and the Thirteenth Fujin."

"I would like to know if there is a sister who is a queen, so she can disobey the rules and do whatever she wants. Ulanara, not everyone in this world should pamper you!"

Fuyu was startled and frightened, staring at Mu Jin resentfully, her body trembling, but she didn't dare to say a word.

"The imperial concubine, calm down." Seeing this, Nanny Wu felt bitter, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to Mu Jin, "Emperor imperial concubine, Ulanara's side Fujin is impulsive, please forgive me. It's better to wait until the queen wakes up to make a decision. The queen will teach her a lesson."

"Ci Fujin has his own disciple Fujin to discipline him, so how can the queen help him? The empress is in charge of the affairs of the sixth palace, so is it possible that she even manages the inner house of the thirteenth master's mansion? What nonsense are you talking about! If it spreads out, the queen will become a queen." What's wrong? Don't take people down yet!"

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