Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2627 She is not so conscious, when the queen's punching bag

The imperial concubine, this is, this is for fear that the world will not be chaotic!

Nanny Wu complained secretly, even if you are the imperial concubine, you are still a concubine, and you have to bear the empress's grievances, but there are so many unseemly nonsense.

This is nothing more than relying on the emperor's favor. If you don't have the emperor's favor, huh, why don't you accept it honestly? Where are there so many great principles that sound logical?

As everyone knows, in Mu Jin's opinion, since he has the fourth master as his backer, why should he wrong him?

If she lived in the days when she could only endure the grievances in fear all day long, wouldn't her great favor and status today become a joke?

She was not so conscious, and took the initiative to be the queen's punching bag.

The queen snorted, apparently not planning to ask Nanny Wu anything at this moment.

If you want to ask, it's natural to ask in detail behind your back, how could she ask Mu Jin to watch the joke from the sidelines?

"Master Mu, no matter how good Fuyu is, she has my own teaching and thirteen younger brothers and sisters to teach, yet you actually fight against her in front of outsiders? Dare I have no face at all with you?"

Everyone was awe-inspiring, and some couldn't help but secretly glanced at the queen in disbelief.

No one would have thought that the dignified, virtuous, magnanimous and elegant empress would have such sharp words?

"The empress has passed out. As the empress's sister, Uranara is not worried about the empress. Instead, she has time to find fault with the concubines. They don't distinguish between superiors and inferiors, and they don't know who is up or down. It is too ugly to make trouble in front of people. If we don't teach her a lesson, wouldn't it make people look down on the rules and decency of the royal family? It also makes people say that the queen condones her sister's lawlessness, which is detrimental to the queen's virtuous reputation—"

The queen laughed back angrily: "So, instead of blaming you, this palace should thank you?"

Mu Jin: "I don't even dare to be a concubine. The concubine only hopes that the empress and the empress will understand. Don't blame the concubine."

The queen sneered, "Mu Shi, you are not going to let this palace die of anger, are you?"

Mu Jin felt a little impatient: "Why did the queen say that?"

"Why did you say that? No matter how bad Fuyu is, it's not your turn to do it! You dare to argue in front of me, Mrs. Mu, put away your pretentious posture, it won't work in front of me. "

"The imperial concubine, the empress has not taken the medicine yet, so you should say a few words less. If you make the empress angry, how can the empress be patient?" Wu Nanny also said.

"It's so hard to bear!" The fourth master's cold voice came, and when everyone turned around and looked up, they saw him walking in with Su Peisheng with a cold face.

A roomful of servants hurriedly knelt down to pay their respects, and Mammy Wu's face turned pale.

Fourth master went back and heard that the queen fainted and told the imperial physician about it, so he stopped by to have a look.

Unexpectedly, when he came here, he heard Wu Nanny's words, and he was furious.

He stepped forward, helped Mu Jin himself, patted her hand lightly, and gave her a gentle look.

Mu Jin's heart warmed up, and she knew that there was nothing to do next.

"Your Majesty! You came just in time. Today, the concubine will definitely rule the emperor and concubine. It is a big disrespect. Please don't interfere with the emperor."

Fourth Master didn't answer this, sat down on a chair beside him, and looked at Mu Jin again: "Sit down too."

Mu Jin slightly bent her knees in response, and sat down too.

The queen was so angry that blood surged in her chest, and she gritted her teeth fiercely.

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