Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2648 Exactly so

Mr. Zhou was sincere and terrified: "The grassroots don't know the emperor is here, and the grandson is ignorant and doesn't understand etiquette. If, if you offend the emperor, please forgive me."

Fourth master waved his hand, smiled and said lightly: "I am humbled and relaxed, don't stick to that, you don't have to take it too seriously."

"Yes, thank you Your Majesty for your grace"

Now that Mr. Zhou has recognized the identity of Fourth Master, the reception in the villa is another matter.

Lunch is still served in the other village, with Mr. Zhou personally accompanying him.

Although Mu Jin was dressed in men's clothing, men and women were different, plus she behaved intimately with the emperor, so others naturally knew it. It's just that no one dared to pierce this layer of window paper.

During lunch, Mu Jin said that she wanted to be clean and clean, so she could use it alone without asking anyone to accompany her.

It's not suitable for her to be accompanied by the female family members of the Zhou family, and it is even more impossible for her to be with the men.

Mr. Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly ordered the housekeeper to prepare meals, and he should not be neglected.

The Zhou family obviously prepared well, and the dishes were put on the table one by one. Although the dishes looked very ordinary, the ingredients were also very ordinary, nothing more than fish and shrimp, chicken, duck, pork, wild vegetables and the like.

But the selection is the best and freshest.

For example, the stewed fish with tofu in a casserole, those fish are all fresh miscellaneous fish from the mountains, which are not elegant on weekdays, but the taste is amazing, fresh and tender.

Together with the freshly ground tofu, the chicken, duck's hoof, ham, scallop, scallop, and various seafood are simmered on a high fire and simmered on a low fire.

There are also fresh bamboo shoots and ham. I don’t know where the Zhou family got the fresh bamboo shoots at this time. They are tender and full of umami taste. They are fried together with thinly sliced ​​ham. memorable.

Mu Jin didn't know what was going on with Fourth Master. She had lunch alone and was free, and it was very enjoyable and a real treat for her.

I said this trip was not in vain

Not long after lunch, fourth master took Mu Jin and left.

Although the Zhou family also has nephews and nephews who became officials, their official positions are not big, and they are all in the local area. There is no one in the imperial court in the capital. The fourth master came to their house by chance. If he is willing to stay here for a lunch, that is enough Without the great face of the Zhou family, it would be impossible to keep him.

Fourth Master was a little surprised that Zhou's family really just accompanied him for lunch, and the conversations were all polite and flattering, without any other demands.

So much so that he was a little suspicious, didn't he think too much? Was it really just a coincidence?

Mu Jin was also a little confused, so she smiled and persuaded Fourth Master, "If it's really just a coincidence, this matter will stop here. If it's not a coincidence, let's wait and see."

Fourth master smiled and nodded: "Exactly!"

In the past half a day, the two of them were not interested in continuing to climb the mountain, so they returned to the palace.

Take a break and spend some time with your son. Just in time, Hongzhang and Hongshi's homework should also be checked.

Although the Southern Tour took them to accompany them, they couldn't miss their homework.

No, when the two returned to the palace, Fourth Master's confidant guard asked to see him, it seemed that there was something very important.

He was still under house arrest in Luxiu, so fourth master simply met the guards in Mu Jin's flower hall.

Mu Jin went to the back yard to visit her youngest son.

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