Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2653 Concubine Mao's heart is cold

Concubine Mao was extremely resentful: "Is the emperor affirming that the concubine did it? The emperor didn't even give the concubine a chance to appeal?"

The fourth master was angry and contemptuous: "It's come to this point, you still quibble? I'm not here to listen to your sophistry, I advise you to just tell the truth, so as to save you from suffering! Otherwise, I have plenty of ways to make you speak up. "

Concubine Mao smiled bitterly: "Is the emperor going to torture you into a trick?"

Fourth master: "Mr. Song, I know how to analyze what is true and what is false. Such words are useless to me."

He has always disdain to listen to sophistry, and never takes it seriously.

At this point, is it interesting to argue? When he is stupid?

Concubine Mao's heart was cold, and her eyes were full of despair.

She finally saw clearly how ruthless this man was.

All his affection was given to the Mu family, right? Yes, Mrs. Mu is so beautiful, and her appearance is so ordinary, why are you still wishful thinking?

Concubine Mao laughed loudly, her laughter was crazy, and she shed tears while laughing.

"Yes, it's the concubine, so what? The emperor didn't ask the concubine why he did this? All this was forced by the emperor! It is obvious that the concubine was the first to follow the emperor, so why are they so biased? Want to step on the head of a concubine?"

"The concubine waited and waited, endured and endured, but it seemed that there was no hope, and there would never be an end! Later, the concubine finally understood, what I want, I can't wait, fools wait, endure, think Whatever you want, take the initiative to find a way to get it! That way, you won’t regret it.”

"Don't you want to know? What's wrong with my concubine telling you?"

Concubine Mao's smile became more and more crazy, her eyes flickered with crazy light, "It's all come to this point, the concubine should tell you, otherwise, wouldn't those things be done in vain? That would be impossible hahahaha!"

"You are right, elder brother Honghui, it was the concubine who killed him. The concubine put the medicine in his soup. Fujin thought that elder brother Honghui's death had something to do with Mrs. Li, and the concubine thought that he could just sit on the mountain Watching the tiger fight, watching Fujin kill the third elder brother. I didn't expect that Fujin was so useless, breaking her own body but not attacking the third elder brother! Later, Li Shi was very strict with the emperor's only son at that time , and the concubine would not dare to do it lightly."

"As for the Mu family, that fire doesn't want her life. The concubine is also afraid of the emperor's thorough investigation. Who told the emperor to love her so much? The concubine just wants to ruin her reputation!"

"You are a person who can't rub the sand in your eyes. If Mrs. Mu was rescued from the fire by the monks in disheveled clothes and let people see it, you will be disgusted by your concubine knowing that Fujin has installed a small Buddhist hall in that temple." , doing things on purpose to stimulate her, I thought her crooked body would be unable to hold back and die, but who knows that her life is hard, but she still survived after being heartbroken and seriously ill!"

"The concubine thought that you hated the Mu family. Fujin died because of a trip to the temple. As long as you provoke and spread the word, Fujin's death will be held on Mu's head. At that time, everyone will say It was her accident that irritated and frightened Fujin, and if you killed Fujin, you will only hate her more, and there is no place for her in the mansion."

"At that time, Mrs. Li has already made you disgusted. Seeing that he has fallen out of favor, who else in the mansion is more considerate and able to serve you than the concubine? At that time, it will naturally be the concubine's opportunity."

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