Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2663 how can I bear such calculations

Having said that, Mu Jin was still depressed, "But the concubine didn't want the emperor to get involved with other women, so she put aside the concubine—forget it, the emperor is already upset enough to think about this, so the concubine will Don't add to the chaos!"

This vinegar jar! Fourth Master laughed, hugged her and kissed her a few times, "Jin'er is considerate, I am very relieved."

Mu Jin looked at him and smiled, her eyebrows finally relaxed a bit.

She looked at Fourth Master and raised her eyebrows: "What does the emperor plan to do about this matter? But take that Miss Wednesday into the harem?"

Mu Jin recalled her impressions of Miss Wednesday that day, and miraculously found that, apart from feeling that she was a beautiful and refined woman with excellent temperament, she didn't see her temperament or temperament at all.

In other words, I have no impression at all.

Based on this, Mu Jin can conclude that this is not a good thing.

I think so, if it's a simple person, is it worth the Zhou family's effort? Even Mr. Zhou is gone.

The fourth master sneered, and said unhurriedly: "I think they are all playing tricks on me, and they are addicted to playing tricks. In their eyes, who do they think I am?"

"Last time, I was too lazy to care about the matter of the Wang family, but this time the Zhou family has gotten worse! If I follow the Zhou family's wishes, then the Xu family, the Yang family, and even the Zhang family and the Xie family will present me with beauties. Is it not good for me to treat one more favorably than another? I have to accept it!"

"I don't need a bowl of food for them to support me, but how can I bear to plot against me like this?"

Mu Jin looked at him eagerly.

The fourth master was annoyed, and wanted to laugh when he saw this, so he patted Mu Jin's hand lightly, "I can't bear Jin'er being unhappy, the Zhou family will never succeed this time."

That's about it!

Mu Jin felt good, and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed for him, "But Miss Wednesday's reputation is all ruined by the emperor, if the emperor ignores it, wouldn't it be?"

The fourth master sneered: "I didn't spread this rumor, so what does it have to do with me? I just went out with Jin'er, met Miss Zhou Zhou by chance, and sent her back to Zhou's villa together, that's all. Ordinary rumors Forget it, I will never forgive those who have ulterior motives and slander me!"

Clean up a few, kill chickens and monkeys, and the rest will naturally be honest.

The fourth master acted resolutely, without waiting for Zhou's family to ask for an "apology", he passed the message to the prefect of Hangzhou, reprimanded him severely, and ordered him to send someone to investigate carefully. Catch them and punish them severely!

The prefect of Hangzhou was taken aback, he didn't expect the emperor's attitude to be so firm, he didn't dare to hum, and hurriedly obeyed.

As soon as the official statement came out, it showed that the emperor was hiking with the imperial concubine that day, and met the third lady of the Zhou family as a master and servant. The third lady of the Zhou family was accidentally injured. , it can be seen that some people have ulterior motives and stir up trouble in private

If you don't restrain your wanton slander, you will never forgive me lightly.

The government sent people to patrol the streets and alleys, and caught a few people who were addicted and off-line on a whim, and finally frightened everyone.

The emperor's rights and wrongs were originally not something that everyone should discuss. Besides, if the emperor really likes the third young lady of the Zhou family, he will directly accept her, how can the Zhou family not be happy? I can't tell how happy I am!

Since the emperor said it was a misunderstanding, it was naturally a misunderstanding.

Soon, the rumors largely disappeared without a trace.

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