Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2665 Give Green Sleeves

At that time, the Wang family can take advantage of this shareholder style to develop their business in the capital

Everything was originally very beautiful, but in the end, the Zhou family messed up everything.

The old man of the Wang family was aggrieved for several days because of this matter.

You must know that a superb stunner like Luxiu is rare, and the Wang family has only had such an outstanding seedling for so many years. After so many years of careful cultivation and training, half of what they hoped for has been achieved. In the end, it was like this It was broken by the Zhou family!

I even paid for a green sleeve for nothing, such a top-notch stunner, who has served the emperor, is so cheap that the old master of the Zhou family will die

The Zhou family was dizzy and stunned by the reward from Fourth Master, and Master Zhou's wife and all the concubines gritted their teeth secretly.

This green sleeve was bestowed by the emperor, no one would dare to do anything to her just because of this level of status.

In case there is something wrong, it is disrespect to the emperor, and it is fine if the emperor does not mention it. If the emperor thinks of it one day and mentions it casually, how can the Zhou family explain it?

Master Zhou was also extremely depressed at first.

Of course he understood that the emperor's rewarding such a person to him was definitely not because he valued himself, but because of dissatisfaction and beating.

Therefore, Old Master Zhou also secretly warned and reminded him: the emperor's reward must be accepted, but this woman is by no means a kind person, he'd better keep her in the back house, don't be petted, let alone because of this. Messed up the house.

Mr. Zhou still kept it in mind at the beginning, but everyone has curiosity, and that is another stunner. After a while, he couldn't help but go to Lvxiu's yard to sit and have a look.

The method of green sleeves cannot be used in front of the fourth master. It is because the fourth master already has aversion and disgust towards her type of woman, and with Mu Jin, who is also the ninth five, he is arrogant. Why pay attention to her as a lowly person?

But in front of Mr. Zhou, the green sleeves have plenty of tricks.

Master Zhou did not leave Luxiu's yard that night.

He felt that there was no need for him to deliberately neglect Luxiu and place her in this remote courtyard. He was a man with a firm mind and a wise mind, so how could he be easily influenced by a woman?

She is so good at serving people, just let her serve, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste?

Gradually, unknowingly, even Mr. Zhou himself didn't know when, he became more and more inseparable from Lvxiu, and pampered her more than ever.

Lvxiu had already moved to the exquisite courtyard that he specially ordered people to carefully repair. All kinds of exquisite brocades, silks, jewelry, and curios were sent to Lvxiu courtyard like flowing water.

Luxiu likes to eat seafood, so he specially ordered people to search around, and hired two seafood chefs to cook for Luxiu.

All kinds of the freshest and most expensive seafood ingredients are transported from the seaside without fear of trouble, just to please the green sleeves.

Luxiu likes peonies, so Mr. Zhou specially sent someone to Luoyang to buy her the best and most expensive peonies. He even invited two gardeners back to cultivate peonies for Luxiu to appreciate.

I don't know how many things like this.

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