Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2668 The queen is afraid

In the Yangzhou Palace, although the empress was still thin, she was more angry than before.

On the day when the fourth master and his party returned to the palace, the empress specially dressed up and greeted her dignifiedly and with a smile.

Fuyu supported her and stayed by her side, with her head down, looking honest, but her eyes turned lightly, and the moment she met Mu Jin, the shadow made Mu Jin's heart tremble.

On the first day of arriving at the palace, fourth master was a little tired, so he didn't go to the queen's for dinner, but ordered someone to reward the queen with four dishes, saying that he would go there to have dinner with her tomorrow night.

In the past few days in the palace, there is no need to hold any family banquets and palace banquets. Everyone can rest quietly and freely for a few days, and leave for Beijing after six days.

Although the queen was a little unhappy, she didn't dare to say anything.

Then Mrs. Mu accompanied him all the way, isn't the two of them affectionate enough? I have recuperated in the Yangzhou Palace for so long, and I finally look forward to his return, but I have to postpone the meal until tomorrow night!

Mu Jin didn't know that the queen's little book had added a fortune to herself, and they were resting on the bed together in the arms of the fourth master, discussing where to go for a few days without saying a word.

In the few days before the stay, because the queen was ill, Mu Jin had to meet the wives and ladies for her, and almost never went out.

Fourth master was also thinking about going out for a walk, maybe if he was lucky enough to meet Huang Ama? I have to say yes.

As for where to go, of course it is up to Mu Jin, he can go anywhere.

At the empress's place, Nanny Wu went around outside and inquired about a lot of news, the most unexpected one was naturally about Concubine Mao.

Hearing Mammy Wu say that Concubine Mao seemed to have offended the emperor in Hangzhou, she was moved out due to a sudden illness, and her whereabouts are still unknown, no one knows where she went, the empress couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

Song Shi helped her do a lot of things at the beginning, and she also supported her in doing things. Even if she was cautious, she would definitely not be able to fall into the hands of Song Shi if she picked them clean.

But if she said it, the emperor would definitely believe it

The queen's heart was beating wildly, her palms were cold, her head began to dizzy again, and her chest was also a little congested.

No, she must not let the emperor know. If the emperor knows, her image in the emperor's mind will collapse!

no she can't stand this

"Mommy, tell me, the emperor can't come to dinner today, is it because of Mrs. Song, is it because of what that bitch Mrs. Song said?"

Seeing that her complexion suddenly turned bad, Grandma Wu knew something was wrong, and secretly regretted that she should not have told her this, so she quickly comforted her with a smile: "Master, don't think so, the emperor has such a temper that he can't rub sand in his eyes." Yes, if Mrs. Song really said something, I'm afraid the emperor would have come to ask. Since the emperor didn't come, it means nothing happened, master, don't scare yourself."

"Mr. Song didn't have the guts to talk nonsense."

The empress felt at ease, and hurriedly ordered Madam Wu to quickly inquire, what did the Song family do to anger the emperor? Where is it now?

Grandma Wu hurriedly took orders.

I just turned around, but didn't hear any news.

The queen was still restless and couldn't fall asleep all night.

Thirteenth Lord and Thirteenth Fujin also returned to the palace, and Fuyu went back there last night.

It's just that even after these days, Lord Thirteen still doesn't want to see her.

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